
This story is a metaphor for Splinter News webpage. People come here hoping to find lots of interesting words to read that make them feel something, a nice reprieve from their otherwise meaningless, numb lives. Instead, it’s just me. A single bean trying to stay afloat in a sea of inconsequential filler and

It’s not even about Andy himself that is fascinating, it’s that he was the eye of the storm of the social world vortex that revolved and swirled around him.

Rage always bothered me, though I kind of got into them as of late since Trump came in. There were things to complain about during the Clinton years, though doing so while signed by Sony will always dent their credibility. And it was weird they disappeared when they were needed most, similar to when Jon Stewart left

What are you talking about? I always got so hyped when those “Next time on ‘Mad Men’” bits revealed that someone would come through a door, and that Don would say “What?”.

Yeah . . . Texas.

We’ve far surpassed Mike Judge and are deep in Paul Verhoeven territory.

the other problem with the Netflix model is that it makes show creators/writers very sloppy when it comes to writing the show. Since every season is basically considered the “unit” of storytelling instead of the episode, it results in seasons with pretty terrible or inconsistent structure.

I couldn’t agree more. I’m not wild about the binge model because it takes away the anticipation of new episodes one week to the next. And for me, it all tends to become white noise if I watch all together.

The AV Club model of reviewing binge-dropped shows is awful. 


Plus with how horrible this website’s formatting has become over the years, if Netflix drops one of the shows that actually gets episode reviews here it means you are going to see nothing on the front page/TV page but reviews of that show for a few days.

It might not apply here as much, these two were adults, but my going assumption is that Hollywood types who want to date jump right into getting married. I’m guessing it’s out of some legal need or agency vs agency mash-up ... or even just a way to try a relationship away from TMZ. “Let’s go out on dates together

But they seriously believe that Nazis were/are leftist socialists, and thus they are on the same side as Democrats/antifa/other things that have almost no similarity but they don’t like. Antifa are the real fascists, because reasons. Hitler totally didn’t arrest/imprison socialists, those were all just classical

Because they would have known how it would end. I wonder if that would have killed some of the viewership, like if it hadn’t been released sequentially?

That’s too bad, because the last several years of Netflix releasing seasons all at once has proved definitively that, at least for viewers, there’s basically no upside. The only advantage it gives is that you don’t have to wait. Meanwhile, the downsides:

The trick with Conservatives is to assume they’re projecting more than an Epson sales demonstration.

“Liberals who call anyone who disagrees with them a Nazi! It’s so unfair!” -Conservatives

Yes, but this movie is about MOAR GUNZ so it’s OK.

She just founded a conversion camp in Idaho for overweight teenage lesbians.

It was fun laughing about this until it struck me that there are literally tens of millions of people for whom this is some real, no-bullshit, truth bomb cinema, then I just got sad.