
recall Sir Alec Guiness would cringe visible every time ‘Star Wars’ was mentioned.

This movie sounded like a stupid piece of shit from the beginning. Crappy and trashy and guns-y and not what anyone needs at all right now, since the next gun massacre will be (checks watch) any day now. I’m a lib who hates guns, but this whole stupid film seems so misguided and stupid in every way, what a surprise

Oh, that’s cool. I really like your Cleese/ Python citation, thanks. And I dig too how you describe Once Upon A Time.. “moves at a pace of contemplation, or perhaps more the pace of a Summer Day with nothing in particular to do.”

Yes. Dad may have been just an NYPD cop, but he had full volumes of case-bound LPs of classical and opera LPs, and when he was in his cups and in a good mood, classical music sent him into raptures. (He also had very groovy records from when he was a young man, that a young man then might have: Dave Brubeck, Nat

This was very good, and ought to be a recurring regular feature. Since 2016 at least, the Times has sounded and actually been all-in for Trump, and that hasn’t stopped. And Dean Baquet is terrible at his job.

I like how in the film, the American scientist meets up with his Russian counterparts on the space station, very cordial and friendly and familiar with each other, asking after families and children.   In Cold War 1968, this was quite something, a dream of cooperation in the future.  

“I think you miss the point of the slowness of the film. Those long empty scenes of nothing are there for you to get lost in.”

“18th Century French Zoo for Humans”- I kind of love that Kubrick confirmed what I had suspected, watching the movie high on the marihooana. (I only read Kubrick’s comments years later.) That this “habitat” was designed by unseen immortal forces who guessed.. this is what humans like. To them, the 18th century and

Great post. I liked “as a blue-collar-kid I was not exposed to classical music, but Zararthrusa and Blue Danube opened doors for me”. I’m paraphrasing what you wrote. Because I also remember my dad (who really loved classical music, in a blue-collar way, which was once really common in the 20th C. US, a way of

The Daily Mail and apparently all of rightwing online media are framing it or shouting from the rooftops that this film is all about, “Liberal elitists hunting and shooting conservative red state Trump supporters for sport!! This is what they are actually going to do, arm yourselves (again)!!” The troll commenters

Haha. Remember when Carrie was afraid of AOL, and startled when a message from Aiden popped up?  “Can he see me?”.  Lol wotta dingbat. 

“I think that she thinks that she’s laying the foundation for a future presidential run by showing faking gravitas and empathy.”  ;)

That film is visually stunning in parts.   I recall the ending is really something. 

Anderson’s brother suffered from mental illness before he killed himself.  He has a legitimate and heart-breaking interest.  He pushed Williamson on her stance.  I have no idea why Esther calls him an “idiot” in the headline, 

Huh, I don’t know what “Chicagoland AV club” is supposed to mean since this is actually the internet, it’s been the internet for years, its’ not some dumb provincial place. Stick your thumb up your fucking ass, you piece of shit. I’m a 50 year old gay artist, and you call me “pc kid”? Lol, seriously go fuck

My favorite final season is where Gawker Media dies a well-deserved death. What’s it called now, “Get Out Media” or something? Staffed by simple dumb child-bloggers who astonishingly don’t know shit about anything. I mean this in the nicest way, but I hope your whole rotten dumb media corporation goes down and you

Now playing

I found it! An ordinary Fairlight playing the master track from a song recorded decades ago:

A funny thing that maybe you’d be interested in: A few years ago a Fairlight was up for auction. And the floppy disk that was left in on it was the original work track for “Opportunities” by PSB, from the 80s. I guess they rented the machine to make the record “Please.” There was a YouTube video of the Fairlight

Sorry you are so terribly confused. I will repeat myself: to any astute modern eye, Picasso’s blue and pink periods, his portraits of harlequins and sad clowns and TB patients dying are unbelievably cloying and mawkish, yes. Sentimental and sugary and ghastly. You mention his “African period” which was an

I think by 1985 with Fairlights and floppy disks and such, big pop acts were all going digital by then. Peter Gabriel’s So, Kate Bush’s Hounds of Love, Pet Shop Boys’ Please were all mostly digitally recorded. Often with a Fairlight. Cost a fortune back then, now kids do it on their laptops, or so I hear.