
But wasn’t it the case that Fusion was originally hired by a Republican primary opponent of Trump’s? (And funded by whomever’s behind Free Republic- or was it Federalist?). That unnamed Republican dropped out, and Fusion offered the oppo info they had to the Clinton campaign, who bought it from them. Which isn’t

Oh gosh, I’m remembering when Rudy Ghouliani was mayor of NYC, and for some reason beyond rationality he went to war against ferret owning in the city.  It went to the courts iirc, and he’d shriek about ferret owners, “It’s sick! You people are mentally ill!”.     He was unhinged.  I wonder if he secretly was

Chrissy Teigen dragged Ingraham to filth today as well. Something about “Corny Monster” is funny, CT often is.

It’s an excellent article, and I was enjoying the schadenfreude of the NRA “base” being ripped off and played for suckers, because fuck them. Then I got to the part where a fucker shot an elephant in the face, and I had murder-feelings.

Yeah. Shep Smith is the fig leaf Fox News gets to wave when they deny they are a propaganda channel. He excuses them. But as Media Matters has noted, even their “straight news” on Fox us heavily tilted right and propagandistic.

We’re all sort of weirdly hyper-sensitive about Native Americans who still call themselves Indians where I live. East End of Long Island within walking distance to the Reservation, we all went to school together and were friends, there was no prejudice that I was ever, ever aware of, the kids from the Res were quite

I don’t think Buttgieg should be President, and I am sure he won’t be, but I think the hatred cast towards him from the left really sucks. I’m gay too, maybe let him have his moment, an astonishing moment where a gay politician is doing so well, before tearing him down? I’m reading shit on Twitter from idiots accusin

This is Splinter, where I DEMAND PERFECTION FOR COMPLEX LONG-STANDING PROBLEMS OR GOD HELP ME I WILL GO JILL STEIN AGAIN is basically the standard tone for many here. Look at the pushy aggression of the screen-name of the person you were replying to; they think they are enlightened and angelic, the problem is you.

The formerly named  GMG loves headlines like “Remember 2012, that weird era from ancient yore? That means you’re old, ew. Everything is good and young now. That yucky old time was bad.

“but if there’s anything less immediately relevant and interesting than a goofy royal family sketch, well, there isn’t.”- Well- You don’t have to like or care about the British royal family, but the fact that for the first time in history someone of American, and  African-American, ancestry is about to be born ,

I liked Clickhole’s bit too.

My favorite bit of recent news about her was that Portuguese officials wouldn’t allow her to bring a horse inside a historic palace and have her no-doubt sick way with it for the cameras. Like Catherine the Great, but twist!- Madonna eats out the horse instead. (Poor Catherine that the scurrilous rumor has lasted

Shep Smith is the fig leaf that allows Fox to say they do real news and allow dissent, apart  from the other 99 percent of their propaganda. He’s valuable in that way, they don’t want to get rid of him.

Chris Matthews is like Fred Willard’s characters in a Chris Guest mockumentary.  An oaf who just blurts out whatever’s on his vapid mind.  I really hope he retires soon. 

I can easily see Chuck Todd wearing a beanie with a propellor. 

You’re so right altogether, Jerry. I found myself thinking of Pat Buckley. She was a hostess in NYC society no matter what William said. And yikes, did it get tiring reading Tina Brown’s Vanity Fair diaries, it seems like she was at a black tie dinner with Henry Kissinger every other night. Always delighted to see

School busing was well-meaning, and also a horribly stupid bit of overbearing social engineering that I don’t think Paul Blest and a lot of the commenters here know jack shit about. For one thing, it is hugely dishonest to conflate school desegregation with the one aspect of it known as “busing”. But this whole

It’s wack, and after checking the boyfriend’s Twitter feed, I don’t feel sorry for the Boyfriend at all. It seems like this voluntary master-slave relationship where the Boyfriend refers to Ellis as The Author. And completely contradicting Ellis’s claim that his boyfriend is some wild leftist, the boyfriend was just

Hey now, haven’t Tama Janowitz and Jay McInerny remained towering icons of literature? ;) 

Speaking of being a shit, I always thought it was shit that Ellis was 45 when he met his boyfriend who was 21, and bragged about stealing him from a then-friend. “I was the Angelina there” he said merrily because of course he thinks that’s witty.