
(Psst- I use Private Browsing window in Safari and can read it no problem. Don’t know about Incognito for Chrome. Just a hinty.) 

It didn’t use to be. I lived there in the 00s, with friends there since the 90s, and it seemed the imbalance went the other way. Single women outnumbered single men in SF then, heard it a lot from women friends. So, every straight guy I knew never settled down with a girlfriend until well into their 30s- too much fun

Someone wrote a while back that Starbucks doesn’t really sell coffee, they sell expensive desserts in a drinkable form. 

I liked this analogy too:

Ps. If you can give some credible example of the Mona Lisa being especially admired before its theft in the early twentieth century, making its fame, I’d be much obliged.

“That’s showbiz” is exactly right. Thank you for basically agreeing with me, I liked your informed comment.

That was a Good Take. Girl with a Pearl Earring has life to it, the Mona Lisa is kind of a still tomb. I wrote elsewhere in this thread, the Mona Lisa is only a “celebrity” because of her early 20th century theft. It was a newspaper scandal that made her famous, and that fame persisted to us. Before the exciting

It’s really overrated. Its mystique only started in the early 20th century, when it was stolen c. 1910, and that made the papers in Europe and abroad.Before that it was sort of ignored rightly as just an okay portrait. Its theft and the drama about that is what made the Mona Lisa a celebrity. She’s literally the

What the fuck is so “confusing” about a new season of Big Little Lies?Apparently it was a smash hit with a great cast, coming back with Meryl Streep. What’s so confusing about this? That the author didn’t write a second book? This is TV, no one cares about the writers. 

because the suffragettes were racist as hell.

Dennis is just here to review what SNL serves up, it’s not his job to write “something creative, original, and daring”, he’s reviewing a show and often he just has crap to work with. Not his fault. 

The documentary about Mister Rogers, Won’t You Be My Neighbor? aired simultaneously on HBO and both my PBS stations (NY/LI) tonight, and I thought it was solid and interesting. But I can see why it didn’t get an Oscar nom, it’s not that revelatory or amazing, but that’s fine. For me at least, it was the trailer

“When you mess with my money, you mess with my emotions” said Melissa from Real World New Orleans, memorably. That’s how the Jacksons are feeling right now. Screw them.

What’s bizarre in that pic above, Candace Owens’ hair and dark collar make it look like she’s wearing a hijab head covering, from a distance. Had to look. Doubt it’s intentional, these people are just irredeemable clowns.

Excellent episode, good write up. But:

Hey, I appreciate your points on this. Having family in Northern Ireland, my very first thoughts was about the environment that Liam Neeson grew up in. 60s, 70s Belfast and environs? The whole atmosphere was suffused with violence. Forget a black bastard, plenty people would want to brutalize or kill a Catholic

What’s being satirised? And why did they change it, that brilliant satire? 

This was a great film as well, 8os London noir.

Or as the Guardian put it:

Hooray for Maggie Donahue for at least loving something that’s a classic, and widely acknowledged as such. “Singing in the Rain” was on TCM last night, yeah it holds up.