
I find both of your translations equally cool and effective. And my god, the Spanish in Spain love songs of loneliness, and they love it in Latino culture here in the Americas too. It’s a certain melancholy. It’s why so many Latinos in LA are, or have said to be, enthused about Morrissey in LA, his songs of

No, I dropped the show and petered out watching the tweeness of the show midway through Season 2. But I appreciate if people who stuck with it slogged it out and watched the entire trudging thing and are happy that the final season of of an extended joke are in it to the bitter end.

How much interest do we have in being informed about what’s going on in the world?

Would Phil have made the same impact if they’d kept him?

Things that killed my idea that Tina Fey was some great comic genius: the idea of a woman being enslaved in a cellar by a religious cult-man for 15 years was hi-larious, or that whole stupid thing where Jane Krakowski’s character was supposed to be disguising her Native American Indian heritage as a blonde, first

As an aside, that Bashir documentary was batfuck amazing. The time it follows Jackson into a Las Vegas mall to an antique store, and it was all tacky crap, and he was all “I’ll take this and this and this and this..” And he was clearly out of his mind on pills or something, and he had no intention to pay for

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It’s a really beautiful song, “Only The Lonely”. I still love it too. And the video is so gorgeously shot, and Martha is so beautiful. Most videos then were cheap-looking, this one was expensive. The early 80s, specifically 1982, seemed to have a fascination with 1940s noir. After re-watching this last night, I

Yeah. I loved Keith a lot, but I think he got high on his own supply perhaps. Pumped for controversy. Phil Donohue was principled. He objected morally about the Iraq invasion on false pretenses.

I am glad to hear that, and I hope your venturing out has brought you some modicum of peace and happiness and looking out for yourself.  Xo and best to you. We’re all on journeys, and it can be hard.  

Hey Robyn, I do love your work, didn’t mean to be overly critical to your fine article , I just wanted to muse aloud about Phil’s history. You write at Wonkette as well I believe, and I really love reading your stuff. Best to you!

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A calm chanteuse could do good things with The Motels. But why bother, the originals are superb, and our culture doesn’t care for calm chanteuses or even widespread pop singles anymore.

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Laura had an attraction to songs with mysterious protagonists. What was Gloria’s deal, anyway? And this lady in the video, I just hope she found a good therapist.

Thing is, no one can do it better than Prince did.  :( 

Irked me because it bangs the same note over and over in the chorus.  Like someone hitting the same piano key 40 times in a row.  

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Is that the band Face to Face? They had a couple of cool songs in the 80s, really unappreciated.

Holy smokes, I saw this live. And came away with thinking I wanted Howard Jones’ rad new hairstyle there. I hate my teenage self.

No Doubt also did a cover of Stand and Deliver that was pretty good, up their alley back in the day before edgy ska Gwen became a KMart mom for the masses. 

Good points, I just wish there was a bit more about Phil Donohue. He was an empathetic liberal on 70s tv, on feminism but especially about gay rights when that was a shocking thing, but he did his best to show gay people in a humanizing way. Crazy now that I even have to put it that way, how far we’ve come. Never

Speaking of rainbows, I really wonder why it was necessary to use that picture at the top. I’m gay, and exhibitionists wearing thong-kinis in a parade does not represent my emotional life or identity at all. Especially about a grim and traumatic topic like conversion therapy.

Well, Bryan Singer said that it was “vendetta journalism” and claimed a lack of credible sources as reasons why Esquire refused to publish it. That’s who I was referring to.