
I wouldn’t want to see Bezos dick pictures even if they pay me.

New Zealand is now conducting if gunshooting in Mosques is a form of geoengineering.

Some people need to have active life.

It was US that used to take the oppressed.

Only the rich will go voting and guess who it is going to help again.

We are lost.

Well they didn’t have a single payer system, that’s why they went extinct.

How can we use atmospheric bacteria to bring more rain to arid areas and stop climate change comes first to mind.

He is probably right. We have not well researched the differences between Male and female scientific abilities but is there a lot of evidence that women are wired better than men for child raising, so why wouldn’t men be wired better in some other areas? instead of mud throwing this question should be research

You cannot capture a bigfoot, maybe kill one if they are out of luck as they are multi dimensional beings and it had already happened. They are running away from us because we cannot leave them alone. What we need to do is let them live and maybe they will talk yo us.

I don’t see much future to it, unless they combine it with Hulu. There is a narrow audience who would get the service just to see Disney stuff.

Sounds like a line from a poem

You probably had a past life accident where this bus was involved. Otherwise I have no explanation.

Quite honestly, it is a very good idea.

The jury is out. Put the Musk in the mini sub and try to bring him back an forth to where the kids were.

So much so for the guy who knows everything. He will also give a lot of help to the people who are going to the Mars and the Moon. I want to help you kind of guy, but ruins everything.

He should put them all in the kid submarines he has built for the wild boars and take it from there.

I think that what they should move to is an integrated human machine system. The machine will have the same voice of he human so the change between the two will be seamless. The machine should give most of the information and for more complex questions when a human intervention is needed a human will continue the

They should have used Sarin, it is very effective.

They should have used Sarin, it is very effective.