Art of the Meal

The Democratic higher ups are all hoping that Trump will lose in 2020, solve their problem for them, and they can begin sweeping everything under the rug in the name of “looking forward, not back” and “healing our divided nation.” Meanwhile, the next Republican that has the morals of a Trump but the brains to

Lol. Fuck off.

Hey Splinter anything on “daddy’s” humiliating photo op with a piece of fried chicken this weekend? Oh how about him going to a predominately black city in Alabama and drawing a crowd that looked like a Phish concert? Yeah keep trying.

Every night before I go to sleep, I pray that the Democrats are stuffing these little tidbits into their War Room “To do:” file for next year.

I can totally see Pelosi’s viewpoint, that Trump is basically egging Congress on. It’s what he has done as a bully all his life. Push people and dare them to push back, knowing that he will always push harder and nastier than them. He has a bully pulpit of dubious effectiveness, and can use that to wipe out what

Yeah well then abolish the electoral college and make that actually matter. I’d gladly join you on that front.

Perhaps the true iron throne was the friends we made along way. 

If it is blocked in the Senate, Dems should run on it in 2020.


Note that Fight for $15 started in 2012 

I am undecided in the primaries but I will gleefully vote for Biden in the general.

Welcome to Team Biden, National Review. 

I very nearly replied saying “How can you possibly say this is worse than the camps during WWII. Millions of people died etc. etc.”

I’m sorry but this kabuki theatre has been done before. We’ve seen pharma CEO’s raked over the coals before. Shit, they even threw Shkreli in prison for 7 years, and it hasn’t lowered prices a bit.

Either you’re intentionally being tedious"

And also try to avoid using condescension

Let me guess.  Those extra ‘merit based’ admissions will be from China and help Jared’s ‘pay for citizenship’ scheme.

This has been debunked and argued time and time again since Sunday.
There’s a difference between foreshadowing and plot/character development.
Plus “Taking what is mine in fire and blood” doesn’t mean genocide, especially when what is hers was being fucking handed to her.

It’s a little of Column A & B with that commenter.