
I see what you did there.

Player 2 has entered the game

Front end was contained and yet the back still went for the nearest grouping of bystanders

Loving that video btw, though I’m willing to bet you could do the same thing with current bad recipe books! One recipe that comes to mind was for blue cheese cheesecake. I love blue cheese, I love cheesecake!

It could have been worse.

Under warranty?... YES?

Back in the day we just complained that FTA brought military stuff to to an automotive site. Now FTA is just a shell site for anti-trump pro-gawker pro-theslot liberal garbage. Please do is a favor and either associate FTA with the liberal parts of this site or quit posting your political crap on the jalopnik tree.

I’m guessing this is also the unreported land speed record for the Casio Calculator watch!

The number of production models that will be totaled at 35 mph leaving Cars and Coffee.

Good strategerie!

‘The Bush administration once called for the development of a nuclear nucular “bunker-busting” warhead’

Because Obama is the endgame for them. They would keep in office until 3075 if possible. Suck him dry of anything he has left. Can’t touch Obama man. Haha.

Hysterical. Now liberals care about Executive power? Where were these morons when Barack Obama was waging war on Libya without ANY consultation of Congress much less congressional approval, something even George Bush sought and received for his ill-advised military adventures?

Fellow dad of 5 active kids here. Bought an old lifted, diesel excursion for cheap. Chipped it and it’s WAY more fun than it should be. Has interior space for days too. Just throwing another option out there

I strongly disagree in this particular case: if anything we need more fast SUVs that are actually fast at doing SUV things, like this one right here. What needs to go away are crossovers with monster engines sitting on 20" with summer tires.

I found the ceramic and aluminum materials used to make the cheaper parts she said she could buy:

Jamokes speaking out on behalf of jamokes.

Me driving the car while it’s below freezing inside is one thing. Forcing my two kids age 4 and 1.5 to sit in the car while it’s below freezing inside when I have time to warm it up first is another thing.