Fantastic looking car for sure
If you want to see what the standard here in the US is for these you can read all about it here. Truncated domes are inspected to ensure they meet ADA specifications so are the curb ramps and sidewalks they are placed within.
Unless the warranty says unless you’re a fat American somewhere then they should cover it. Or the dealer should because the dealer obviously had no issues selling a Large Individual that car to begin with.
You people in these large cities will not all be instantly vaporized I hope you know that. The terrain and mass of the buildings will slow some of the destructive power of the blast. The bad part of that is you’re gonna suffer like a mofo because of it. Instead of being a pile of carbon ashes you maybe be a…
With all this talk of the melting polar ice shouldn’t we be protesting them just breaking it up? I’m sure there some endangered ice worm or something we can claim is going to be extinct if they keep this up. That’ll slow the Ruskies down won’t it?
Can we keep the Political shit that has nothing to do with cars etc off here? We get it you don’t like Trump. Whoopity doo, now let’s move on to talking about why the fuck we come here. If want to see shit like this I go to Huffpo not Jalopnik.
You tossed some dry sand in lots of vaginas with this comment LOLZ
I’m sorry your mommy didn’t hug you enough when you were a kid and caused you to have this passive aggressive behavior that you obviously think is how you should deal with situations. Perhaps some professional help will give you proper coping skills to work you way through life. Best of luck to you.
I never said it was genius. Learn to piece complex thought together before you reply next time. Better yet read the damn article and maybe my reply would make more sense.
I gave up the minivan in the divorce. Sorry chief lol
I have often thought of doing this to an old 7.3 excursion myself
I’m all for bikes using the road. But just like a car they should have to register, pay taxes, and carry insurance.
You know why I like this? Because as a dad of 5 active kids this gives me hope of something other than a shitty Tahoe that will barely drive through wet grass and has the acceleration of a tired elephant.
I couldn’t agree more. We don’t have many SUV’s we have many vehicles that look like SUV’s but are utter shit on anything but a 4 lane highway.
Amtrak is a private transportation company not a public transportation system. So I am not so upset about not spending Millions of tax dollars on a private company that has yet to figure out how to turn a fucking profit. They rely on welfare essentially to even operate and until they figure their shit out then they…
It looks like a Toyota Tundra from 5 years ago that you can buy
Where would you push it Mr Wizard? the opposing fucking lanes of traffic? The outer lanes are typically clearer because more traffic travels in them during bad weather so the snow is slushed off easier. Plows in most places plow from the center lanes and work their way out when they clear the roads. So the plow was…
Cargo, not people, C A R G O that shifted during flight due to lazy or improperly trained personnel.
This was a bullshit excuse, if there was no delay that plane would have taken off as it was. They would have asked nobody to move. So making it sound like after sitting for 6 fucking hours the flight attendant all of the sudden realized some fat fuck was throwing the weight off just a tad up front is ridiculous.