Mr.Noir,liberal hippie king

I noticed it too. Still, times are tough.

Those. Are. Awesome.

That jiggling psycho is only apologizing because now infowars is being investigated in the russia thing. He’s not genuinely sorry. Btw Alex, when are you gonna get around to apologizing for making sandy hook survivors and family members lives a living hell?

Unfortunately no, I’m sorry. My mom sent it to me because I’m a colossal movie nerd who hates trump. I tried looking but couldn’t find the source. Feel free to save it though!

Thank you! Really.

What a tool

Thank you! I love eeeeeeverything noir. It’s so great. Thank god for tcm.

I know! I’m in heaven. I just got my TCM backlot card & pin in the mail too! God I miss Robert Osbourne though...

Yeah you’re right...things are ok for now. Plus March Malice is on TCM (rest in peace Robert Osborne, j still have the autograph you sent me when I was 16) and I found this awesome picture!

“In 2 years, we’ll make it even harder for them and in 4, we’ll take this shit back and show them how to really take care of the people. “

I’m so sorry to hear that. I really hope you can continue getting the care and meds you need. A lot of people and unfortunately a TON of politicians have no idea what it’s like to be sick and not be able to get help.

Hang in there love, I know nothing I can say can ease pain or take the stress off but I’ve been there. I know it sucks. I really hope things get better.

I’m sorry to hear about your GF. It’s exhausting and frustrating and infuriating being in chronic pain or having a chronic illness. The ACA may not be perfect but before it I couldn’t afford my meds either and would end up in the ER or admitted to a hospital a few times a year. Since I got help from the ACA I haven’t

Thank you, I really mean that. I like to think & hope that people are FINALLY waking up and seeing what’s happening. I can live with chronic pain but I can’t live with a chronic idiot as president.

Seriously tho, who’s he gonna blame this latest failure on? The buck NEVER stops with trump, the leader of the “personal responsibility” party. So who is trump gonna blame for his latest fuck up before departing to FL for a weekend of ego stroking and cheating at golf again?

Ok this has been my favorite comment. Thank you for this!

I’m sure he’s off for another fun filled, 10 million dollar, tax payer funded, workless weekend of cheating at golf in Florida to soothe his aching pride.

Well the bill would’ve still covered viagra so they could’ve used that

As someone in chronic pain from a chronic illness that I’ve had since 4 who also has a mother with lupus that requires 10 thousand dollars worth of meds a month to treat I’m glad republican donor greed got the better of them and the bill failed. As an American I’m horrified that tax cuts for the richest among us are

So much for “the great negotiator”