Artful Dodger

In the words of /b/ users: DO IT FAGGOT!

Available on the Mac App Store anytime soon?

That server is gonna get raped.

Women should be making the tea.

That's gonna cost a couple of mill to fix.

Lol Ghillies suits? Big woop.

@Sublethalend: Yeah man, that's true. I realised that when I was about 13 though when I decided to start using Gmail instead. ;)

Who still uses Hotmail? :O

Anyone know if this is available on Mac or when it will be or if it will be? Lol

I loved Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction and this looks even more awesome ;)

@SixTwoSixFour: Smart-ass ;) Probably take you a million years to master the clutch ahaha.

@xTRICKYxx: Only the quad core processor sucks compared to your brain (or most brains anyway).

@G1bblets: I got to burnout x 5 irl.

@SixTwoSixFour: Lol, I feel sorry for you if you tried to drive a manual, A 10 year old could drive an automatic.

Artists don't make money. They're work is disregarded till they die then their work is worth millions.

Am I a news junkie?

@neal whitehouse piper: Haha thanks man, I just bought it. Hopefully it will help organise my working area. ;)

I've used a miswak for years and it works very well.

OMG, this is genius, is it available in the UK? How much?