Artful Dodger

OoOo, taking it of has got to hurt unless he holds the plate then pulls the camera.

I once left a time capsule inside a mattress which was slightly torn from the edges, this mattress was left at the old house when we moved. 3 Years later I got a phone call from the guy living there saying he found it. ROFL :P

I download about 10 gigs of movies a day from the Pirate Bay.

Lol, this article is making it sound like they're building some sort of super monster thingy. LOL

Dumb bitch.

@Hami83: It was just a question.

Lmfao, genius.

Hey, no way, my fucking chips up here.

Are UK TV License payers going to have to pay aswell?

@daqman: That's the thing, this trade will never die unless everyone get's injected with an anti-aging chemical.

You don't have to Google yourself when you use fake names like Artful Dodger online which also happen to be the name of a famous band of some sort and also the guy from Oliver Twist.

@Corbab: Can they Facetime? I think not. FAIL.

Anyone with an iPhone 3GS is now uncool. I guess you have to stop flashing them in public now because no one will look =[

Does anyone else feel like they CAN walk in a straight line? For some reason I think I can even though I probably can't. Makes no sense, weird but hmmm.

Lmao, it's still pretty cool. Don't know what my neighbours would think if they happened to peer through my windows though :o

@Webran61: Geeky pick-up line FTW.

One word: iPad.