artemis.floyd rides again

Nah, facts and logic don’t matter when you can have blind hatred!

And the egg-shaped Reese’s have the ideal chocolate-to-peanut butter ratio.

My grandma was in a very similar position before she passed: she was an only child, her husband had been gone for almost 20 years, and she was the last one of her friends remaining. She was a prolific letter writer, and one by one all of her correspondents “slipped off the raft,” as she described it; she began writing

Yes! I posted about this as well. I like to sear red meat (like short ribs) and make a pan sauce with the fond...which is a.) delicious, and b.) messy as hell. After running the pan through the dishwasher, I’ll give it a scrub down with that and it looks pretty well good as new.

I have both a 12" cast iron pan and stainless skillet, and they’re both extremely useful and easy to clean provided you have the proper implements:

That chain mail scrubber was a game charger for keeping my cast iron pan in working order.

It’s not that communications as a subject is particularly easy - much like a Bachelor’s in Psych, the undergraduate Communication degree isn’t typically heavy in credit hours because it’s generally understood that advanced degrees are required to actually have a career in the field. It’s not that it’s necessarily

Tuesday I weighed my options for a solid 10 minutes on whether or not I should get Portillo’s for lunch...on the one hand, fuck yes Portillo’s beef sandwich; on the other, were midday meat sweats and/or food coma really worth it?

For some reason I really like Sienna Pitt-Miller though. (???)

The pre-game retirement ceremony more or less made that crap game worth attending (and it was really nice out) least I got a free Buehrle pin out of it!

If Pete Best hates you, you’ve truly fucked up.

Ha, I thought the Downers Grove one was the only one in the Midwest, so I feel you! My college boyfriend worked there over breaks, so I spent a lot of time hanging around Fry’s...both of my college laptops came from there, ‘twas glorious.

Chicagoland area, by chance?

Nominating her as the VP candidate legitimized the Tea Party while they were still on the cusp of being taken seriously. Once the GOP realized people ate the TP’s rhetoric up wholesale, they started making the party-wide ideological shift, which led to whatever we want to call this shitshow.

I just imagined trying to use that excuse for, say, completely bombing a final in college:

I still haven’t forgiven him for inflicting Sarah Palin upon us, and I never will.

I hate geese with a fiery, undying passion that is not understood by most people.

Back in my youthful, rebellious days, my high school’s dress code included a “no bra straps” clause - which was enforced haphazardly, like the rest of the dress code, because it largely depended on the teacher/administrator and most of the really didn’t care - but it was still enforced overall. To protest this, and

That photo should be in the dictionary next to the definition for “simpering.”
