it’s not like it’s PETA
I agree, but that wasn’t exactly the slant this article took. The article is pro beating up any robot. Get your licks in before the Terminators arrive.
I wasn’t necessarily talking about this instance. I was thinking of the time Matt Damon lectured a black female filmmaker, Eddie Brown, on diversity.
“There will no longer be settlements”
... That was a joke? Don’t take it out on other people just because it didn’t land. Maybe step away from the computer, go take a walk outside and blow off some of this weird rage you’re feeling.
No because he’s got the fucking stones to think who gets “let back in” and “what we can work with” or whatever the fuck should ever ever ever be up to him or, really, any other guy.
“Damon called the pictures Franken took, grabbing the sleeping body of Leeann Tweeden”
His opinions suck and he’s a jerk?
What’s that? A bird? A plane? No! It’s The Point, flying way above Damon’s head!
Take it from me, it only gets worse. Irish guys thinking everyone wants to know their opinion is a trend that moves forward in time on—let’s call it an “upward trajectory.”
Sadly, I think she did, at first-hand.
I even got cloned!
a new generation of struggling white poors. do not forget that this bullshit is as motivated by racist Othering of non-white immigrants as anything else.
This. They want to make a perpetual underclass to work for them and keep funneling money upward.
Exactly - so we can have a new generation of struggling poors. Republicans don’t want to KILL the poor. They want to keep the poor right where they are, desperate and struggling and filled with the illusion that they’re going to strike it rich any day now if they just keep shoveling that shit. That’s where the cheap,…
I’ll tell Paul Ryan the same thing I tell my parents and all their noisy friends: you want me to have babies, create an environment where having and raising a child doesn’t cost an entire adult person’s salary and I’ll think about it.
I’ve been expecting the day they’d say this sort of shit. I’ve always believed these anti-abortion types were really scared about being “outbred” by those dirty non-Whites/immigrants they hate so much and therefore want to stop abortions to keep the White American population up.
Yeah? I should have kids? I’m in my mid 30s, unmarried, don’t own a home, and I’m still paying off extensive student loans. You fuckers have made it impossible for this generation to afford anything, and yet you think we should procreate so we can, what, have a new generation of struggling poors?