A point of argument. I wouldn’t call The Usual Suspects Byrne’s most famous film. That would be Miller’s Crossing.
BTW, #TeamCoenBros never molested anyone.
This is what being an ally looks like! Thank you, John Oliver, for using your privilege to hold Hoffman accountable. For any men wondering ‘what do I do’, this is it. You speak up and don’t let abusers get away with idiotic responses.
Apparently people smuggling non-US processed meat into the US is a thing. I grew up in Michigan and knew multiple families that would drive into Canada, buy a bunch of salami or something from a mom & pop shop that made it themselves, and try to smuggle it back over. Apparently the laws over here make it harder for…
My bratwurst has a second name, it’s S-c-h-n-a-c-k-e-n-p-f-e-f-f-e-r-h-a-u-s-e-n
I’d be pissed! They threatened to take away my snacks the last time and I nearly threw down. I have celiac disease and my husband needed specific food because of the whole cancer thing. Damn TSA and their food hatred.
I think you’re confusing ‘bologna’ and ‘bulls***’.
I will I could give you a hundred stars, some of them in the form of shiny gold stickers.
My baloney has a first name, it’s c-o-n-t-r-a-b-a-n-d
Don’t disparage the good name of human garbage like that!
I think that means, “We’ll cancel it if there’s a front page article.”
Theyre just not protecting him theyre protecting the Church of Scientology.
I was reading an article earlier that argued there was a degree of homophobia in the reaction to Spacey. Like everyone was quick to drop him (not wrongly) but it remains to be seen if straight men will face the same consequences. Anyone have any thoughts?
Welcome to Random Roles, wherein we talk to actors about the characters who defined their careers. The catch: They…
There is nothing not beautiful about this headline.
I was thinking about rewatching Superman Returns the other day, and I was thinking “It wasn’t very good...”
I was thinking about rewatching Superman Returns the other day, and I was thinking “Who played Lex Luthor in that one again?”
It’s not just gossip, either. Legitimate publications have detailed allegations and lawsuits against Singer. Not to sound like too much of a conspiracy theorist, but Brandon Routh started out on NBC daytime, as did that young man who acted Veronica Mars who killed himself and was supposedly talking to reporters about…