
The craziest and most depressing thing about that is that it was basically a peace accord between the IRS and Scientology so that Scientology would stop harassing and threatening people working for the IRS. Scientology didn’t just get away with it, they outright won.

On another note, do you think that he’s ever going to the rock and roll hall of fame? I want it!

I highly doubt that.

Is anyone surprised that a political ideology that feels this way can’t come up with anything clever?

Weird Al is an all-around awesome human being. It’s hilarious to me that a guy who has become known as an outspoken proponent of all things intellectual once released an album called “Dare to be Stupid.”

Relax. I’m pretty sure it’s genetically impossible, like the donkeys or whatever.

If you are familiar with “weird al’s” public persona, you see how bad this association is. Go read up on his life, beliefs and creed —- is like looking at cute animal pictures. Everything about this guy, from his asking permission to parody, to his attempts to prevent his name attached to racist or offensive parodies

SUE THEM AL, SUE THEM...even just to settle out of court. BLEED THEM DRY...

Yankovic is too awesome for fox News

Fox News are committing Word Crimes on an hourly basis.

Talk about a real twist in the fourth act, Bobby.

-1000 Kinja for a post 2015 reference to Macklemore.

Is that you, Le Pétomane?

Been waiting for this one. Great job, Will! It’s the Dernsiest interview that ever Dernsied.

Your opinion is wrong and I’m embarrassed for you.

55 year old men who do that are not neophytes. That pose spoke to his worldview, and you bet your ass it was a power trip. That photo was meant to humiliate her. Did you not read the original article and her account?

My bet is the unofficial party line is going to be that Whedon’s meddling killed what clearly was going to be Snyder’s masterpiece.

*Catchy, minor-key organ music wafts up from Kinja’s basement*