Who would have thought fostering business models were all profit and power flow upward would produce so many bad outcomes.
Who would have thought fostering business models were all profit and power flow upward would produce so many bad outcomes.
Yeah, this ain’t a business move, this is a fuck you
The very existence of billionaires is an example of how our government and economic systems have failed.
If he REALLY was treating this like a business and not as a vindictive dick-bag, he would attempted to sell it, sell the assets, restructure it, or numerous other things that would have allowed him to recover/make money.
It this part of the same Ricketts clan that owns the Chicago Cubs?
I mean, holy shit, taking the fucking archives offline is brutal. There were incredibly valuable newsworthy things on that site, and now the only way people can access them is to go trawling through Archive.org and hope that the site captured the article at issue.
joe ricketts eat shit
Steps to fucking Joe Ricketts.
These aren’t coal jobs that were stolen so you can guarantee Trump won’t give a fuck that 1200 Americans lost their jobs.
1. FUCK Joe Ricketts. He’s a fucking plague.
That’s probably enough for their payroll right there.
I mean, his Hamlet had a scene where he drops a chandelier on Hamlet’s uncle.
Kenneth Branagh’s ludicrous facial hair deserves to be seen on the largest screen in all of human history. I sincerely hope we get lots of close up shots of the moustache twitching with delight at all the mystery to solve.
If you have the chance to see “Orient Express” in 70mm, and don’t, you will have forever dishonored my avatar, and I will haunt you in your sleep with horrifying visions of lost reels of “The Magnificent Ambersons” being thrown away to make room for the latest Adam Sandler film.
Tyrese has also announced an “ultimatum” that if Dwayne stays he goes.
Over here the Old Vic is desperately trying to stave of the accusations that it knew about the Spacey stuff the whole time but wanted him for the PR, especially as more and more allegations keep coming out.
Tyrese needs some help and a hug. This is pretty much suicide by Instagram.
Well, between these messages and breaking restraining order by hiring a plane to fly over the kid’s school with a banner that said “No matter what, Daddy loves you Shayla.”. It’s pretty clear that Fast & The Furious isn’t going to win you custody.