I would like to be on your mailing list for this. plz thx
I would like to be on your mailing list for this. plz thx
I’ll leave you two with the babies. I’m pretty sure Ms. LaBelle can cook and I want in on that.
I loved Garfield as a kid (in the 80s! ugh!) and I’m not ashamed! It molded me into the lazy, sarcastic artdork you see before you!
So FRQ, Flanny, Catweazle, Neverabadidea, a few others are over at a tiny blog called Homeless Monsters. We still feature trampoline videos, but we also talk about ghosts and the robot uprising a lot too.
I was and ever shall be artdork!
God I miss keeping up with Birdie! There’s a facebook group for us lost monsters, and a blog...it’s not the same, but it keeps us in each others lives!
There needs to be more conversations with Gabe Delahaye about pop culture things in this world. #ripvideogum.
The Simpsons solved it for all of us!
Cincinnati chili is an abomination and there isn’t any room for argument. And then they put it on spaghetti.
Thing is, this show was probably contracted out about 5 years ago. It’s bad timing for the Smithsonian and for the artists involved. And he does have a solid collection and he’s kind of notorious for not lending it to exhibitions, so this was a big get for them.
Bobby! You left out the part where Taylor tries to do a Scottish accent and thinks it’s delightful and charming while Mother Harris glares at her husband and the dog runs out of the room!
I like you!
There can be only one, Ben. Step aside for Mr. Hardy.
He’s so adorable...It’s a shame I’m old enough to be his mom.
Ah ha! You found the flaw in MY plan! Which was I didn’t click the link.
The flaw in your plan is that I bet that’s a appetizer for 4 people.
I’m afraid that’s exactly what they’re doing. At this rate, it might seem like Scott Walker is a moderate candidate and then we’ll really be screwed.
Good for you, and good for standing up for your art and your voice!
If I hadn’t had the cats in the car and we weren’t in the process of moving cross-country, I would have made everyone stop so we could have gone to the museum in Seneca Falls. I’m still going to do it, one day!