Cool! I knew about Stonewall, but I’ve never heard of the Gerber house. Thanks!
Cool! I knew about Stonewall, but I’ve never heard of the Gerber house. Thanks!
And I will crush the Spiderman...and ALLLLL the Spidermen!
Just the right amount of creepy.
That little girl is an angel from heaven. I want to pinch her cheeks and bake her all the cookies!
Yeah...I feel like the color just makes it *that* much more creepy.
I know! As soon as I read that I thought “man, us lesbian shitassess are gonna feel bad now”.
This is why we work best when we work as a team...
Or missed another “e” and meant devotee!
It’s cajun?
My cat simply gets under me to remind me, “no, I don’t want to lower myself slowly to the ground from plank position.” He also likes to give me headbutts in downward dog.
He doesn’t understand my life! (I wish I was somewhere warm right now!)
The nerve! (jkjkjkjk good for him)
Where’s midweek madness! I’m tired and scared and I just want some gossip and some bad crossword puzzle answers...
Sigh...probably!! : )
Also, having not watched her show makes me better than her.
Bigi’s face in the photo is the same face I was making during the Teen Mom story.
Right?? How is this not the real news about their brakeup. Evan Peters finally leaves abusive girlfriend should be the story. (sorry, I love him on AHS. Her, not so much).
Having had to keep up with Dallas traffic...that sounds about right.
Nope! Not a real thing that can happen!
Exactly! I love the way she went overboard at Halloween decorating her room and her cats...