Art of Kuma

What state? They have a very diverse culture of games. Some games are heavy on the fan service, some aren’t. Want a list? I can give you a plethora off the top of my head.

Bloodborne, Darksouls, RE7, World of Final Fantasy, FF 15,Nioh, Super Smash Brothers, Ni no Kuni, Any mainstream Nintendo game etc. etc. etc.


That has always been the case though. Fan Service has always been a mainstay of anime. If you want anime devoid of fan service, there are some here and there. but as a whole, you have to either live with it, or go based on hearsay. You just have to find it, or use MAL to look around anime that has more than a score of

Platinum games should just focus on what they do best, making fluid gameplay. What they are doing in Nier, for example, is flawless. The gameplay is nice, and Yoko fucking Taro (crazy fuckhead that puts a female character with a dick as a main character) handles the direction. Cmon that is just simply perfect.

The line in which I draw in the sand is a very strict one. If the Fan-Service isn’t over bearing (I can’t stand Super D-Cup missy from Occultic;Nine) and it doesn’t break the flow and pace of the anime (Seriously. Fuck. Her.) any Fan-Service is fine with me. I’m Bi, and I am a very sexual person, so I understand that

i was 2.2k in season 2, I supported as Ana, won 9 games and lost 1 (That 1 loss was my fault) I was 2.4k. I’m pretty happy as it goes :D

>”Trash doesn’t exist in Japan”
>Implies Waifus aren’t trash.

Try out ERASED, it is very touching and the human drama is phenomenal.

You can also choose to show her something disturbing, maybe Shiki.

I’ve watched anime since I was... 5? I am now 21. Honestly, I’m Pansexual, and I just love the fan service, its titillating, its flirty, its raunchy... I know it is, but I still can’t help but flash a smile when I see it XD. Bakemonogatari, Highschool DxD, No Game No Life, etc. etc. etc. It has only been lately that

Yeah, got to step away from the Eroges for a bit and play some good ole JRPG!

We had a playable class in the game called “Jew”
Nuff Said.

I don’t think we are giving FF12 enough credit here. It was made on the Ps2, yet it’s graphical fidelity seems to be able to match Ps3 graphics, and it hasn’t looked like it aged that badly either, in comparison to the ps4.

I might have been in the minority that enjoyed the older system. I had everyone learn berserk,

The Manga has always kept me interested; the anime..... well... not so much. I missed the pre-time skip animation, the animation was always consistent, nowadays it goes from 1 to 10 pending on the importance of the scene... I hate it.

Owning up to a huge mistake in their art direction..... The big offenders were Sona, Ashe, MF, Leblanc, Evelynn and Kat.... most of which were released early on in the game. They fixed this a long ass time ago. We have yet to have had a sexualised female for the past 2 years, (arguably 3 or 4 years).

I’d still hit that, given that she is older than 18 of course. If it makes that any better...

“It’s not sexist to have a girl dressed like that! You’d understand the story if you played the game!”

Sexist is a word that has lost it’s meaning at this point.

If anything, you are right about Kojima’s “you will feel shame” BS. I’d respect Kojima more if he just came out and said, like many other men, that he likes