
Yeah, this. Every one I’ve ever got has been a piece of shit. Terrible paintwork, posing sucks, the works.

Yours has a stand? Man, I got the Garnet one (since her head is already a square so it’s less creepy), and one day she just did a front flip off a counter into a trash can and scuffed up her visor. Top heavy is an understatement on these things.

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I was wondering whether to post this on Tay, so thanks!

Also, FAST Racing Neo and the new version on Switch.

There is a “tip” with these instructions during the loading screens. I have yet to master it for 7, but it was crucial in the old-school RE games.

Click-bait articles are getting really bad.

“The closeted perv has never come out as gay”

Because he very well may not be; being a child predator /= gay. Abusive sex is about power, not identity.

Looks bangarang, and reminds me that FAST Racing Neo is a thing, so I'm going to play that now because I already own it.

I fucking love that movie. I’d also add on You’re Next (directed by the same guy who did The Guest). Because You’re Next is fucking awesome awesome awesome.

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Don’t forget The Guest! Because you gotta love a movie that asks the question, What if Steve Rogers was an amoral sociopath?

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I still AM one of those exhausting people that constantly look up new music. Here’s something I found this morning that I’m really into:


Kpop and gaming, that is all a person could ever need. :)

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Not quite what you’re talking about but close enough:

I like that when anytime someone uses SJW in a derogatory manor, you know right off the bat what kind of person they are and can ignore everything else they say about whatever it is they’re bitching about.

This show gave me Datak Tarr, Berlin, and Doc Yewll. I will be forever grateful.