
Don't make generalized comments about an entire race please.

I always find this perception of Xbox as truly idiotic. Xbox Live Arcade gave the world some of the best games of the generation, YEARS before Sony kicked their indie drive into gear. Surely the success of Live Arcade is probably one of the reasons Sony worked so hard to get indies.

Pure insanity. Loved it.

I signed up yesterday and already played several hours of Peggle 2 with a friend. Haven't even booted up BF4, Madden or FIFA and I have gotten way more than my $5 worth.

Mortal Kombat 9. I feel like the tone of a lot of the fatalities missed the mark and went straight into cruel territory. Not funny, just cruel.

I don't think any of what I am about to say is impossible:

I already had a portable hard drive when I got my Wii U, so I just bought a cheap USB Y cable off of Amazon. It is such a short, shitty cord that it will fall out of the HDD if you even glance at it wrong. Really need a better cord.

I already had a portable hard drive when I got my Wii U, so I just bought a cheap USB Y cable off of Amazon. It is

BulletWitch. I love BulletWitch. I need more BulletWitch.

Even though I have a PS4 and Xbox One, I really want to see this on WiiU. I love my Wii U and it needs more games like this.

Most of West Virginia (my kinda-home state) is beautiful nature surrounded by abandoned buildings, very Last of Us. South Carolina (my actual home-state) is just a hot as balls version of that.

Bambi can get it.

I was disappointed in Outlast. It really falls apart the more you play it. By the end, I was eye-rolling through every scare and just ready for it to be over. Developers need to learn that digital blood and guts does not = scary.

Multiplayer in this is amazing. Really got deep into it. Can't wait for the PS4 release so I can go HAM on it all over again.

Strange how no one complains about Bayonetta's footwear. For some reason, Samus is not allowed to be "sexy". Actually, it is not strange now that I think about it. Based on the reaction to Other M, Samus is not allowed to have ANY emotions or desires. She's supposed to be a silent, emotionless woman entirely devoid of

I feel like this game looks better in screenshots where you can see the detail than it does in motion. When I'm playing it, the little touches are not nearly as noticeable and the gorgeous detail is mostly lost. Good game, not the major improvement I wanted from the series but I like it.

Way to be a bit of a dick about it. I'm reading the books after each season airs. That way I'm not constantly comparing them, or waiting to see if the show lives up to my expectations. Sorry that I had never heard of the book series until after the show began.

Had a grunt alert me to an incoming enemy pilot and I totally got a kill because of it. Wish I could high five them. Also, Titans need to be able to high five.

I played the hell out of Forsaken 64. So different from everything else on the console. And that pulsing 90s soundtrack. Killer.

Hopefully, all this attention will goat them into making this a full game.

Been in the beta for this for a very long time. Great, great game. Intense, fun, and strategic. Most of my time in beta there was no real-money store, wonder what that will be like.