I would probably donate one of my kidneys for a proper HD port of that game.
I would probably donate one of my kidneys for a proper HD port of that game.
I love this game.
I believe the 360 does as well, but I've never used more than a 16GB jump drive on it. I am using a 300GB external on my Wii U though.
IGN still says it is a launch game as well, but I wish there was more information.
I thought it was a reference to David Cage's PS4 reveal event demo of the old man face where he talked about polygons and emotions.
I agree. The game cheats your experience solely for the sake of a surprise ending.
The problem I have with GTA 5's world is that it is more concerned with telling you how stupid you are for watching reality TV and liking Starbucks than it is with presenting an interesting world.
Oh god Oh god Oh god Isabelle I'm so sorry.
Last of Us had the best story, Tomb Raider had the best gameplay (most fun to play), and GTA 5 is just overrated. Bioshock Infinite is good as well.
Nintendo releases more 3DS variations than they do Wii U games.
I've used my Xbox HD DVD add-on many times.....mostly as a disc drive for netbooks/laptops.
I love Dead Space 1 & 2. I fluctuated between mild appreciation and angry frustration with Dead Space 3. The game was clearly designed around co-op, with enemies spawning in an annoying, nearly unfair manor for solo players. I hope they can bring it back to a better place next-gen, if given the chance.
I have never played the original Pokemon games but I did pick Bulbasaur in Pokemon X as my second starter.
I sold a copy of Sonic and the Black Knight to a kid yesterday. Forgive him for he knows not what he does.
Really cool commercial. I was more of a Nintendo kid, but I love the ode to the history of the brand.
.....yeah I'm that impatient. :(
Two of my favorite games of all-time. They both play very differently but have such fantastic approaches to writing and themes.
Throw a wig on him and some heels and he'll be rolling in the bills.
I pre-ordered all my stuff from GameStop. There's one right near my home and I HATE waiting for deliveries. I have almost no patience. It's a problem, really.
You know.....it's not totally hideous. Take off the 88 and the signature and it wouldn't be so bad. Definitely makes a statement. And that statement is: DIABETES!