
This looks absolutely incredible.

Damn, was really looking forward to it.

I remember hearing that the attempted 2011 WW television reboot pilot was awful so I downloaded it and quite enjoyed it. I thought it could've grown into something fun.

I think Walt rescues Jessie and then kills himself with the ricin as an apology to Jessie.

First of all, Why doesn't a Snake Plissken game exist already? It would make my decade.

Who in the hell thinks McDonald's has good fries? Is this a thing I don't know about? They're awful abominations that are inedible within 5 minutes of leaving the drive-thru.

I enjoy mine quite a bit. Been playing a lot of The Wonderful 101 and Wind Waker HD.

I think Skyward Sword has the best story of all Zelda's, and I love it just as much as LttP and OOT. Might be my personal favorite. The soundtrack is killer too.

Ad is a winner just for the phenomenal use of Fiona Apple.

Nice! I hope it is decent (and available in U.S. Eventually).

Cheating on your spouse is SO much worse than poisoning a child and murdering 15 or so people.

Couple hours in. Loving it so much. Enemies are super aggressive on Normal. I'm getting my ass kicked.

RE6's control is wonderfully complex. Once you know everything and can easily flow through combat, the game becomes incredibly fun.

PC gamers need to chill out with this BS. I have a nice gaming PC myself, but I am sick of hearing how much better AND more affordable building your own rig is. Stop kidding yourselves. Just a Core i5 is at least half the price of a PS4, and a budget Core i7 is 3/4ths the price, with most costing as much or more than

I LIVE for The Long Kiss Goodnight. I am still impressed by the action scenes to this day. And her daughter telling her that life is pain at the end?! Come on man! That's gold. And I didn't even mention Sam Jackson.

I love Other M.

You go, hunty!

I love Other M. Such a great game. Challenging gameplay, a compelling story, and high production values. Many do not like the story choices, that's fine. I do. Samus is a real person in Other M. The music is fantastic, the atmosphere is killer, and the environments are beautiful. One complaint I always don't get is

Have both consoles pre-ordered. Own PS3, 360, Wii U, 3DS, Vita, and gaming PC.

Nice to know every Kotaku commenter is an expert on console architecture.