What is "vague" about "Every night we are raped to sleep by dickwolves"?
What is "vague" about "Every night we are raped to sleep by dickwolves"?
Actually I know that they are. 1 in 6 men are sexually assaulted by the age of 18. That is the low-end estimate.
If you will re-read my first post you will see that I explicitly state that the original joke is not the problem.
I AGREE that rape is POSSIBLE subject for comedy. I am simply advocating that the VICTIMS of Rape should not be the target of said comedy. Rape, the criminal act, should be the target.
I specifically state that the original joke I do not find to be problematic. It was Penny Arcade's responses that assumed an attitude of victim-shaming, by doing things like making T-shirts of rapists characters and wearing them around as Team Dickwolves and mocking the idea that rape victims could be triggered by…
I'm sorry that my arbitrary line is not laughing in the face of someone who has been raped BECAUSE they were raped.
Oh god. Here we go again. The problem wasn't the original joke, it was their response to criticism. I'm not asking for censorship or anything like that, just understand that rape jokes are fine as long as the victim is not the punch line. Jokes that point out the horribleness and ridiculousness of rape, racism, death,…
Please don't ever kiss a woman in public, as a homosexual I am sick of you straight people SHOVING your sexuality in my face all the time. I see straight people kissing in movies, on commercials, in magazines, in public, everywhere and it is offensive to my eyes. THINK OF THE CHILDREN BEING TAINTED BY YOUR DISGUSTING…
Minecraft on the Wii U could potentially be great. I don't know why they won't do it. Imagine inventory management (on a console) that doesn't suck. And actual crafting!
I am buying this so hard.
The soundtrack is phenomenal. I'm a casual FF fan so I don't know what's reworked classics or new songs but I am loving it all.
The problem IS that people don't know it exists AND the name AND the software.
When the stripper/dancer/woman fond of small bikinis fell in front of the DJ booth and Chun-Li kicked her while she was down....comedy gold right there.
InFamous Second Son is not a launch title. Early 2014 I believe. I may have read February somewhere.
Do not confuse Keza MacDonald's opinion (the IGN UK editor that reviewed W101) with all IGN editors' opinions. Though she was assigned the review, some of her colleagues do not agree with her assessments about the controls and have stated such (either in an impressions video or the Nintendo IGN podcast, I can't…
Free forever. You are purchasing it for $0, so it yours forever, regardless of what type of Xbox Live membership you have in the future.
No, these are yours forever regardless of whether you continue your Gold Membership or not.
I watched season 1 a couple of months ago and thought it was pretty good. Finally came back to it and fell head over heels for it. The direction, editing, cinematography, and music are some of the best I have ever seen in television production (not to mention that unreal performance of Bryan Cranston). I don't like…
Lots of people being dicks over what is clearly labeled as "pre-alpha footage". Game doesn't even come out until 2014.
I bought it to play on my Surface Pro, but I really want gamepad support ASAP!