
I vehemently disagree with the outlook of this video/article. "Finishing" a game is not the most important thing about gaming. Experiences are. If you can only focus on the final destination and the time it takes you to get there, then why do anything? Why continue living? We all die in the end, it's the in between

I enjoy Sarkeesian's videos. Try and discredit her all you want. Everyone knows her name and pays attention to her work, and you'll keep being the anonymous douchebag calling everyone who defends her a white knight on the internet.

Did not know about the z-lock. Nice.

Pikmin 3 is fucking fantastic!

Brentalfloss comic is irritating.

Make it for 3ds and Vita, that way you'll definitely make enough money on it.

The only one I didn't know was forte. Had no idea it isn't always for-tay.

Looking up things is AN ABSOLUTE MUST in Animal Crossing, in my opinion. I don't mean look up everything or obsess over the game, but the simple fact is that there are important features that I have a hard time believing anyone would accidentally come across.

He can get it.

Grand Canyon Rafting Simulator?

Batman and Robin is my favorite Batman movie. It is the most fun, absurd, and hilariously campy of the films. While Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises are better films, I would rather rewatch Batman and Robin any day.

I just got sucked into a googling hell hole of One Direction gayness.

Why make a fucking Wii U version at all if you are going to do this? This creates internet drama, which creates a news story, which then brings media attention to the fact that one port of the game is VASTLY inferior. Therefore no one buys the port that you made. You lose even more money. Why?

*unzips pants, presses play on video*

Real women's breasts don't jiggle SOLELY for your amusement.

We are a special kind of people...


I recommend Project X Zone to anyone interested. I don't even recognize half the characters and I have a good time with it.

I love Achievements. I like when they reward me for progressing through campaigns, when they shine light on a possibly over-looked feature, and when they let me know there is something cool you can do in the game that I wouldn't otherwise know about. I don't hunt them. I don't obsess over them. I don't go out of my

I'm in love with and addicted to SMT4.