
All of my Nintendo items are stored in a fridge. Once my house is completely upgraded, I might have the basement be a gaming room with a few select items. My house is otherwise, decorated as well as it can be with the items I've encountered so far (read as: My house is ugly right now while I focus on building shit in

3 hours in a loving it. Unfortunately, I was not able to finish Soul Hackers before this came out. On the upside though, I used the $30 eShop credit to buy Project X Zone. A great day to own a 3DS.

I was playing this the other day and cracking up. Fun little physics experiment.

I played WOW for a time, Guild Wars 2, Neverwinter, Rift, dabbled in Planetside 2, and I feel like there are a few more I can't think of right now.

I have hated this guy since I saw his Lana Del Rey video. Awful arguments.

Damn I forget how great of a cover that is.

Try Defiance people, it is fun.

I have quite a lot of fun playing Defiance. I have pumped many hours into it. So just wanted to say that I enjoy my time with it and plan to keep playing it. And I'm even playing the inferior 360 version.

My cat played Uke before it was cool.

Adding more cool shit. Honestly that last update lets you start a game download then turn off the system and it keeps downloading, which is badass.

Every time someone raves about an ipad/iPhone game I buy it. Then I regret it, because the controls suck. You say they work surprisingly well. I have fallen for that line many times.

Vega's cute.

What a stupid fucking decision. "Hardcore" gamers already have a negative perception of Nintendo, and this just makes it worse. Nintendo needs to be aggressively appealing to gamers right now, and this is NOT how you do it.

Crysis 2

I really love Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven for the GameCube and Tenchu: Shadow Assassin for the Wii. I even like Tenchu: Dark Secret.

I LOVE Metroid: Other M. I think it is one of my favorites and stands proudly next to Metroid Prime and Super Metroid.

I want to play this so bad.

Same glitch happened to me, I just ran to the next area and she must have won her shadow fight without my help.

There is no justification within the game world as to why Clickers are one-hit kills. Yes they are absurdly easy to stealth around, but that doesn't negate what I consider to be a poor design decision. Please don't use the tension argument either. If you get killed by a Clicker, you just reload into a checkpoint. I

I experienced many of these sadly.