
I think it is pretty clear that Naughty Dog was pushing the PS3 to the limit, so throughout the game, you could notice that large vistas had poor looking painted backgrounds. It is a compromise clearly, and I can accept that this late in the console cycle.

Isn't an all-male cast for an FF game a bit unusual?

I have a quality ride for him.... *badum ching*

Whether you bought it outright of got it on contract, you are still paying $500 or more. The difference is on contract you pay it over time, and often several hundred more by the end of your two years.

So all you need is a $500 phone or tablet, a $100 Apple TV, and a $40-$60 controller and you're set! Then in two years, when your phone/tablet is no longer able to play the new iOS games at all/reliably then you need to spend another $500. Also, your Apple TV might not be supported anymore for AirPlay. So spend

Thor over here can get it.

Forza 5 and DriveClub are not on the exclusives list. Y U HATE RACING?

I was always going to buy a Xbox One, and though I think knowing every Xbox is online could lead to some great games/ideas, this can only be seen as great news!

Though you have tried, your argument is just simply not correct. To outright say that the 3DS is not doing well because of assumed profit margins is just simply wrong. Nintendo stated last year they are turning profit on each 3DS. Then they introduced a new model which they are also turning a profit on. The original

I bought one and could not get it to work. Literally did not work even once. Avoid at all costs.

Super excited for Luigi U. Just replayed some Mario U last night with a bunch of friends. They'd never heard of the Wii U, but they really liked it. Nintendo needs a new marketing team.


Got into the FFXIV beta for PS3 today. Finding it enjoyable so far.

I'm 4-ish hours in and I'm not feeling it at all. This game would have been WAY better if it was stealth and melee only. The forced gunfights are pretty bad and feel so out of place. I was hoping this game would provide a unique experience, but outside of the wonderful intro, I haven't felt like I've seen or done

I'm down for it.

Get a used regular 3DS for cheap, then trade towards new hotness when it's released

All of the wants y'all. All of the wants.

As long as the power and disc tray buttons aren't touch sensitive. That's the only thing that bugs my about me 360 Slim. My cat always be ejecting discs while I'm mid-game.

My only fear is that there will be a badass limited edition Zelda Link Between Worlds 3DS XL that will make me want to buy ANOTHER 3DS. I just switched from blue XL to the Animal Crossing XL. I'm becoming addicted to XL special editions.

I love Other M. Fantastic gameplay (not too easy) with an interesting story about survivor's guilt, PTSD, motherhood, and loneliness.