
still dont see what the big fuss is about

Now imagine if it was real. Those are teeth that you would CG out.

Paramount didn’t want to use a fake mustache in Mission Impossible and basically told WB to eat shit. Cavill was contractually obligated to keep the mustache. Reportedly, Paramount was offered 3 million in exchange for shaving the mustache and delaying production of Fallout, but Paramount must really hate WB.

Christopher McQuarrie needed the mustache on MI: Fallout. Basically, Warner Bros. called him to ask if Henry Cavill could shave for reshoots on Justice League and McQuarrie nearly agreed when Warner promised to pay for the time lost for filming (since Cavill would need time to regrow). I recall McQuarrie actually had

for a start because the mustach was for another movie, why should Mission impossiable have hurt itself to make justice league reshoots work better?

Because the studio behind Mission Impossible strong-armed them. They were shooting around the same time, and told WB Cavill could not shave. They wouldn’t accept any crompromise.

They could have but, contractually, they didn’t need to. And so they can just force the other studio making Justice League to pay out the ass to remove it instead.

The whole upper lip and teeth look fake ass shit.

Why they couldnt use a fake mustache still bloggles the mind? No we'll just waste MILLIONS on cgi to remove it, and no one will ever be the wiser...

I can’t tell if his upper teeth are CG or not. And I think that’s a bad thing.

Heh, cute video!

Literally my favorite video on youtube.

Yeah. Mostly they just lifted Maximus usurping the throne from the Jenkins/Lee series. Like, from what I remember, none of the Young Inhumans are present and they don’t really explore Atillan beyond a few set pieces. I don’t even remember if there were any Alpha Primitives.

Man, I didn’t watch the show because it looked terrible, but none of the reviews I read gave me any idea it was based on the great Jenkins/Lee miniseries. I guess “loosely” is the key word here.

That actually happens in the Jenkins/Lee limited series that the show was loosely based on though.

Don’t get me wrong. The show runners were probably thinking “Hell yes! We can save some money;” But cutting off Medusa’s hair was true to the source material.

Agree - whenever Lockjaw’s not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, “Where’s Lockjaw?”

Even then, they never bothered to have a physical prop as a stand-in on set, so everybody ignores Lockjaw when he’s there, not even idly petting him.

It’s not great. It got better as it went on, but even at its best, it only built to an ‘okay, I guess’, at least in my opinion.