
The answer’s probably simple as this.

“Barrett the ecowarrior oil tycoon.”

Barrett in FF7: “We have to save the planet and stop draining the lifestream!”
Barrett in FF7 Advent Children: “I’m going to a location where another oil reserve was found!”

Exchanging one environmental problem with another.

“Toss a coin to your Superman, Metropolis of plenty...”

That’s a really ballsy way to end a game, almost expected coming from Yoko Taro.
But it’s also a reminder that almost all of the mobile-gacha games are on cloud servers, once the decision to shut the game down then the game disappears and no chance of playing the game offline.
It’s sad seeing that this is how SinoAlice

“But sometimes, you come across a loose cannon...”

Wonder who her dad is...

But can you Pet The Dog?

Finally this scene will be upgraded when the update is released...

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This is making me remember Tony Jay, he’s been gone since the mid 00's.
Time for some old commercials he voiced on.

Wonder if there will be an MCU version where the card is Aunt May instead.

Even old New York was once New Amsterdam
Why they changed it I can’t say people just liked it better that way

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Now the best ending will be in HD and 4K.

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Those generic Leg Day moves will never qualify for funding from the Ministry of Silly Walks.

The new logo looks all kinda SUSpici0us.

Safe to say that D.Va is more popular than...the cowboy