I’m being too lazy, let’s update this a bit.
No Torrent Drifting?
All the delays and crunch on the game were because of Yaddle.
At least Nobot didn’t look like this
One of my old friends had a simple rule for playing Star Wars games: Never play a Star Wars game that forces you to play Jar Jar Binks.
Haven’t posted this one in years but this is the only reaction I can think of
“Kevin’s found the biggest Hole and it’s practically under our feet!”
It’s all Yaddle’s fault for the delays and crunch time to finish the game. Let’s blame Yaddle.
Now that I think about it Paul Logan is like Ray Tracer, he tries to be cool but just overdoes it and looks stupid instead.
Looks like he’s rapping...
“When it comes to fame I’ll be a chaser!
I’ll try to act cool and overdo it like Ray Tracer!”
We share the same biology
Regardless of ideology
Believe me when I say to you
I hope Ubisoft loves their children too
Because of Reboot I still think ray tracing is the attempt to be cool but completely overdoing it.
A better solution would have been:
-Uninstall Marvel Avengers
-Download Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy
-Play Guardians of the Galaxy instead