
As long as there’s no octopus saving the days of frequenting 4chan come back to haunt me. Never. Not even as a Mii Costume-Monkeypaw.

Now playing

Too bad there isn’t a level based on Seinfeld’s Frogger scene...

Women fighting in WWII, sounds like a time deviation that needs to be pruned and tossed into The Void.

So Gandhi won’t be trying to nuke everybody in this game?

There least three obligatory postings when ‘bees’ are mentioned.  I’ll just go with one of them.


Got pointed out to me that the game doesn’t come with the Fresh Cut Lawn Smell that to some like Hank Hill find enjoyable.


Sons of Liberty isn’t a story about espionage and betrayal.”
I still consider that Raiden bait-and-switch as a betrayal.

Obligatory Unsee posting

I remember Skies of Arcadia

Hah, heard that his name should be changed to ‘Gunny McGunface’

Or just kill him off between games and he doesn’t show up in Overwatch 2.

Probably...the cowboy...will be killed off before Overwatch 2.

Jet Set Radio: A game I thought I would never be good at but actually really was.

[REDACTED] Returns
Followed by [REDACTED] Forever
And then [REDACTED] & Robin
Further followed with a 10-year hiatus before [REDACTED] Begins
After that will be Assistant of Steel
And then there will be The Dark [REDACTED]