
Exactly. I look at these decrepit buildings, the tide of waste that swirls around them and the impoverished people that live there with no opportunity for a better life, and the very first thought I have is “just like the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010.”

Can you imagine the uproar if white people were enslaved for hundreds of years, and after having been freed were still denied basic rights for another century, and then were denied the tools that would allow them to better their overall circumstance like decent education and access to housing and banking, and then

I don’t believe all conservatives are slacked jawed racists in the same way I hope you don’t believe all liberals are over antagonistic Bernie Bros.

White male conservative here. While I won’t be watching this show (though I highly doubt it really promotes white genocide) it doesn’t harm me in any way. I will continue with my Netflix addiction. I’d be willing that 99.9% of conservatives agree with me.

Not Another Teen Movie was before the Date/Epic/Disaster/Meet the Spartans series though.

Not Another Teen Movie doesn’t deserve to be lumped in with the rest of that garbage.

Now playing

Yes, but that trend of movies gave us the delightful Not Another Teen Movie. Not sure why but it has a special place in my heart.

And some, I assume, are good people.

To my eyes, this movie is 10/10. I value my eyes the same as my fingers....

Cheerocracy, yes.

It’s the same as Mandarin. He wasn’t his comic book self (and fooled comic-savvy viewers) so it came off as a letdown.

In what way was Zemo underwhelming?

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa.


Not so much that, that’s showing that despite how much liberal and decent human beings hate the Republicans in power right now, they know what they are doing.

So true

I think exactly zero less of him over this, everyone talks shit and if you don’t, well, don’t sit with me.

but ‘er emails!

A cab driver almost hit me on my bike two years ago when I had to swerve to avoid a pedestrian who stepped into the bike lane on Bleecker. He also honked his horn. The press never reported anything about it.

Here at io9 we’ve taken to calling him John Bo-Jaeger in the meantime*.

Do you know why I remain a Patriots fan Drew? Because of my father. I lived in Maine my entire childhood and teenage years. I remember the shit years, the years where Velcro on the gloves wouldn’t have helped the receivers make catches. For years we were the butts of the NFL. Then suddenly Mo Lewis knocks out Bledsoe