Christine Q.

She’s wearing a pan pride shirt and they still don’t get it smh

The heteros are upseteros 

She does give me massive Zarya from Overwatch vibes.

I’ve aggressively guarded every moment of this weekend. Today was the first since 4 July that I didn’t have to get up at 0400, shower, and go somewhere.  (Also learned that without an alarm, I didn’t wake up until 0439, which means I need to keep it and its backup.)  Threw an article onto kinja and hope to spend the

I was supposed to be there months ago 😭 Screw you Covid, screw you.

Please spend the whole day posting Homestar Runner clips

Oh my god, relax.

I can imagine so! I'm sorry you have to deal with that. You deserve better. 

Oof. That's just... Icky. 

Holy crap, those subtitles.

A Chinese holding company (TenCent) owns a minority stake in the company while Tim Sweeney himself owns the majority of the company (more than 50%).

White Rice is not the product I would have put on Instagram to highlight the exciting new line of “Louisiana Seasoned”products from Master/Uncle P.  I assume in Louisiana they just put salt in the rice cooking water like everybody else- when you go further afield you’re making something other than “white rice.”

I am black and in the past was a fan of Master P music label. But my thing with his shtick is he wants me to buy his products because he is black, and not really because they are better ingredients, taste better or healthier. I mean we as black people have enough problems with diabetes, high blood pressure etc. I have

Peak, peak, peak little dick energy right there

Agreed. I’m a BL fan, but I’m at the point where I feel like Clint Eastwood at the mall after school.

There was no gameplay. This was entirely CGI.

Sinbad? That’s a world away from what I expected.