Christine Q.

Plenty to get excited about. Fall Guys comes to PS4 and PC this week. There’s a Fast & Furious game. And Horizon Zero Dawn makes its PC debut.

The last thing i heard about sonic was last year when like 3 entire stores lost all their employees due to their shitty policies. Fuck sonic.

It’s sonic. It is a parody of real food.

yes. that grilled cheese thing is like... a wet mound of grease in a tortilla soaked in more grease that must make cleaning the grill a goddamn nightmare.

mozzerella sticks on a sandwich? sounds like he’s been looking for, and can’t find heroin.

I mean, petty revenge is kind of his thing. 

While we’re at it, add ben carson to the pile.

it’s ok

The real hamburglar wears a red hat with white text.

I think mitch mcconnell died 20 years ago and we’re dealing with an undead bog lich.

I need heroin after reading the news.

:x this was almost 3 months ago

they’re better than dominos’ wings has any business being.

I don’t know why zoidberg loves you, you monster.

if you’ve ever had a burger from a place that goes nuts with mayo, you’ll know. 

good to know going forward, i’m super careful about where i’m going, even to pick someone up now though

I’ve been dealing with a thing to do with work over the last few days that ties into my personal life.

Mayo is fucking gross, what is dead should stay dead.

I hope he has that same look when we tar and feather him.