Christine Q.

i feel like we’re at that point already

Off topic, I don’t have to wonder why gamestop is quickly going under when they send me an email begging me to buy a 200 dollar statue of the karate kid and his... rival? villain? marked down to 99 dollars. Like... is that something men are into? karate movies from almost 40 years ago?

hot take: bladerunner was one of the most confusing, boring, self-fellating wastes of film in the history of boredom or film.

Stuff you!

I miss space ghost.

He’s a goddamn worm, and his shitbag crony roger severino need to be thrown in a lava pit.

I mean, most of those were for middle management to have lunch meetings and then go back to get loaded on 3 dollar beers and dozens of hot wings anyway so like... i guess corporate finally caught on to all the horseshit charges on the company card?

Yeah, you seemed a bit traumatized after playing tlou 2. I’m almost kind of glad that I’ve been turned off by all of the *core* gaming stuff lately. More animal crossing for me, sharks abound

nice, quiet, non-autoplay at full volume 

have been trying to get my weight back under wraps, Today was a bit of a cheat day, but I had 2 slices from a pizza place i grew up with that’s *really* good and felt good for not devouring the whole damn thing

God, that’s a mood. the last few days have been 90-100 degree days and I hate it. 


is that why elon musk seemed so out there the last few months?

Because why not make an extra few dollars off people clicking the wrong one?

Honestly, I’m hoping Rupert Grint speaks up and we get the trifecta.

Yeah but... no. The Trans community has suffered enough. Fuck J.K. Rowling and her terf nonsense.

I think you’d be hard pressed to find any cannibal to want to eat the stringy, worthless hide of a trump.

Sorry, I hear the acronym RIAA and my blood starts boiling. It happens when I hear any record companies or DMCA too, and i’m not even a content creator. I’m kind of sick of how the cyclical game of “fuck you, don’t use my music; fuck you artist, this music belongs to me now” record companies get away with.

Me neither but he looks like the kind of person who doesn’t have any friends or family who like him enough to test his material on so he literally sits alone in his sad studio apartment and laughs at his own jokes at 3am. Like jimmy fallon without any of the musical talent.

taking a little time to myself this week, after all the fucking nonsense cops have been up to. I was thinking of the beach and while it’s really gotten badly restrictive, i’m still considering a dip and a trip around the boardwalk.