Christine Q.

It’s amusing that it’s gears 3 because I hadn’t heard anything noteworthy of the franchise since

Of course they did. in other news, grass is green and the only good cop is a dead cop. 

hot take, mayonnaise is effing gross.

Was there any merit to the whole ‘cec serves pizza scraps as new pizzas’ thing?

kids, kids, you’re both fucking awful and i need you both to join the fam up on the gallows.

the only good cop is a dead cop.

Fuck you.

I think any trump supporter lacks the higher brain function to know when they’re being fucked with, also, i think the hamburglar lacks the higher brain function to really screw with his own supporters anymore.

yeah, i really hate that terminology.

i was just going to say killer 7

On one hand, I feel the cyberpunk thing is going to help a lot of trans folx and enbies feel more at home in their bodies, on the other hand i wholeheartedly believe that the ‘nice guys’ are going to be walking around with avatars that put their real life counterparts to shame dozens of times over. it’s not hard to

“is it romantic

Honestly, I’m upset that people are going to miss out on the july heatstroke, the long bathroom lines, expensive food stalls and neverending stench from neckbeards who’d have to bathe to be slobs.

Fuck you, phil. go away.

boy i hate that.

i fucking hate him so much. I don’t even need to read the article to know that he’s preaching nonsense and it’s going to get somebody killed. he’s zapp brannigan if he sustained more blows to the head and raped dozens of women.

No preorders.

No preorders.

Wow, it’s almost as if a billionaire could get away with something a common business owner couldn’t. 

I wouldn’t even let a picture of that schmuck near my ass.

Well, you’ve got to have something for all the inbred kids this virus is going to fucking kill because of their asshole parents.