Christine Q.

anyone who felt obligated by friends to see it and didn’t like lotr?

oh my god that coral is so pretty

More like Pikachunk

I’d love to be less cynical about it but, he’s as close to a plantation owner in this day and age, and naming the fund after himself just seems grandiose and masturbatory, and just fuck jeff bezos in everything but a literal sense. 

I mean my mom does, and she isn’t, but she should be.

I’d also like to point out that this feels more like a masturbatory move than one that’s done out of pure philanthropy.

I’m so glad fred durst is irrelevant again.

I never noticed the smell of the bread from the outrageous stench of vinegar permeating every millimeter within a 3 store radius in a subway. Also, who charges 12 dollars for a ‘specialty’ sandwich.

Ouch. What did sonic fans do to you to garner that reaction

Honestly? I’d probably be happier not eating at subway, even with that deal.

I absolutely did. Doing good things does not immediately forgive being an asshole, especially to trans people.

Y'know, Hitler was a painter and he got Germany out of an economic depression for a time. You see how that argument doesn't really hold water? If you talk shit on a long-standing suffering people, fuck you.

because it was a originally a game made for kids in the 90s?


god yeah. ugh. 

Goddamn it, if you spent half as much time making your food taste like food and less time trying to sell us this shit, maybe you could turn a profit you asses.

About as weak as their food safety policies.

I mean that’s still better than chipotle’s non-apology for giving a bunch of people e. coli.

It’s a damning statement when the only relevant thing you can muster about your franchise is a scoop of guacamole. It’s almost as bad as Sonic touting that it’s got “good” ice

more like Professor O...ld.