Christine Q.

It’s a damn shame they couldn’t finish out the series, and it’s testament to how bad toriyama had it having to go two full arcs after writing the ending of the namek saga. But also, fuck youtube, sheuisha, funimation and toei for making this even harder for them. 

Because we’re taught from an early age that the bond between mother and child is supposed to be unbreakable but the fact is, some mothers are just...bad.

Excuse me?

Even if it’s going to be private for a while, Research. The first two weeks of my transition was doing extensive reading on hormone therapy, bottom surgery, considerations on facial and vocal feminization, everything. If you’re going on Hormone therapy, look into nearby Planned Parenthood locations if you’re in the

yeah, eat a dick ea.

I found strength in them when I felt at my lowest, especially in safe spaces where I could express myself fearlessly. A lot of people will cruelly joke to ‘cry me a river’ but no one realizes when you suddenly come to terms with being something that people will stigmatize and mock, suddenly you’re traveling on that

It’s weird how wistfully relevant this show can be to so many people. Like for example, after being completely rejected for being trans by my mother after a lifetime of abuse and neglect watching the episode free churro resonated with me. Specifically,

80 dollars for a figure based on a game that was weird for the sake of weird because we kept insisting kojima make mgs games and this is his grandstanding revenge against all of us sinners.

Now playing

As long as this happens, i’ll be a very happy girl

okay, you need to sit down

This is fucking creepy.

Christ. T E N different marvel shows on top of the movies. I don’t know, just hearing that makes me want to take a nap.

See, I always wanted to be able to easily tell who’s stupid and racist but

How dare you put this thought in my head.

i want these two boys (and they are fucking boys) put into a giant blender so I don’t have to deal the supposed progeny of a racist rapist orange fuckbag ever again. Fuck them in the head with power drills. 

How the fuck

*Realizes the grievous error she made with arrows*

cheddar fries and hot fries as well as any cheeto, dorito or chip with  excessive dust aren’t necessarily odd picks of mine, but they certainly are arrogant, considering how the dust gets EVERYWHERE if you’re not careful

And before anyone starts, I don’t consider little caesar’s ketchup bread pizza at all ever. 

The tier goes