Christine Q.

Good god, that’s an unnerving picture.

If he was wrongfully accused, why would he settle? if he were framed, why would he buy his wife a 4 million dollar ring as an apology? why would he make a public ‘apology’? I’m sorry he meant so much to you, but he fucking raped that girl.

I like how food and healthcare are in competition in this scenario. Oh wait, no I don’t. No one should go without food or healthcare at all, ever. There are a lot of countries the allow people below the poverty line to have both for free, without extensive paperwork and waitlists. It’s not that fucking hard, that is

I forget, did they apologize for all those foodborne illnesses they caused?


I’m lactose intolerant, but I really like the coffee, so I just deal with it.”

god, a theme restaurant from the mid 90's that didn’t shutter in the 00's.

It’s cute you think spangfeller is handing anything out but pink slips.

it is a good thing.

You aren’t really missing much from a taco bell breakfast besides indigestion. 

that’s a fair point, however, you’re nibbling a lot of mediocre at best food.

A chinese buffet was the last time I went a buffet with a friend and we both really regretted it. Even on a friday this place had some really basic choices that were lukewarm by the time we sat down. And for $20 a plate, we could’ve gone to our favorite mid-tier thai place and actually could’ve gotten a good meal

Ugh, jared leto is a creep and i honestly am hoping this movie tanks along with what’s left of his career.

I’d take kite-man over jared leto in anything ever again ever. 

My most embarrassing voice chat mistake was thinking that any time i jumped on voice chat would end up in anything but frustration 


certainly more masc than horseboy over here.

I doubt there’s $130,000 of merch in 10 gamestops let alone 4.

I believe victims, especially when the perpetrator is a man of privilege and means.

He totally did rape that girl though.