Christine Q.

Where’s the NB option. it’s almost 2020.

someone finally gets it

I mean, i’m not an unarmed black person so i’m going to guess that isn’t going to happen, and if you’re going to wish for someone to get physically assaulted or killed, at least have the nerve to actually say it.

Dumb racist kids are spreading dumb racist kid things on a notably shitty games publisher’s twitter. I mean, there’s no one for me to root for here.

I don’t even care about the chicken sandwich, but I’m glad these pigs are getting a headache over them.

You should feel bad. like, really bad. Like I think you could get away with recommending pixels over little nicky.

I’d consider it the oroboros, because at this point, disney’s literally eating itself.

It’s almost as if the giant shitbag only wants straight white men to have any health benefits, hireability, or any goddamn chance at all in life.

okay two questions. Why is Dancing with the stars still a thing? and two;

What are you talking about? there was that waitress that was holding all the indiscriminate cans who had no lines.

imagine, hanging your hat in same union as pewdiepie who could effectively ruin it at any moment by opening his stupid racist face. 

the only thing amazing about it is the asking price.

I remember the dumb sauce panic it caused, I remember seeing a really cringe video about a kid going ape over it, was told it was satire, but could easily believe that’s how shitty the fanbase could really be.

yes because a literal ‘no’ counts foreplay.

it’s fucking 4 minutes of a man wearing down a woman from a no to a maybe, even after she literally says ‘no’. he’s trying to get her drunk. 

i’m going to need you to take a nap on the freeway

to be fair, what has he been through that would allow him to have a worthwhile opinion anyway? 

is he really trying to put a positive spin on a 50% approval rating

i’m reading the writing on the wall, if you’re stupid enough to fall into the same pit trap that’s your business

I was unaware you were a shareholder, sorry for getting into your business.