Christine Q.

homage, bullshit. that’s a straight up rip off.

I am. It was a milquetoast, boring show, and it made future tv worse with several series doing “will they/won’t they” tinkertoy storylines that go on for multiple seasons.

I.... had a pretty bad week, I wound up getting laid off from a job i really couldn’t afford to lose, so along with no car now i’m unemployed so.... there’s that. 

No Really, You fucking cowards. How dare you pull this shit on poor trans kids, you fucking fuckers. you people make me wretch, and i hope you get what’s coming to you.


Can I pay $75 to never have kfc again?

Man if dr. phil as inept at cooking as he is at psychiatry, pass the fucking pepto.

Sounds like someone’s used to getting their way all the time.

I refuse to take any advice from a man with a username like yours

The McRib is, in fact, a food anomaly. The McRib tastes like McRib. It doesn’t taste of this world. Not beef, chicken or Pork. It is, in fact made of McRib.

And you just know there are going to be childless republican assholes complaining about taxes going up to pay for it

i hate this fucking country so much.

f u c k. that took me like 10 minutes to read.

are people really that pissed over mac and cheese

I worked at a taco bell during that big debacle about the beef. It was completely true, they tried pulling a fast, cost cutting measure, the staff could tell, and so could the consumer. for a brief period before it blew up, we were instructed to tell customers that it was just a new recipe,

Pharrell, you fucking idiot. don’t you dare let your privileged ass call women ‘The Female Species’ or even glance that you know how the LGBTQIA community feels unless you’re in it. Especially now when we’re like a hair away from our lives being torn completely-the-fuck-asunder. 

life in aggro made me aww

oh shove it you asshole.

this week’s supreme court lgbt+ cases have really put me on edge considering as a trans woman I’ve already felt the strain of working while out (I’ve been hit on, threatened and harassed with physical contact and uncomfortable questioning), as well as a stopgap solution of being ‘allowed’ to use a bathroom no-one else