Christine Q.

The march of progress :x

fuck waluigi.

Sit down, Hillary.

Can we just be cool and agree to stop casting will smith in things anymore? Dude hasn’t been relevant since the original men in black 22 years ago.

except it’s not. it was like 2 decades after the fact, it didn’t make sense, and the public lexicon already decided what the pronunciation was

yeah this honestly feels like a cash grab because while he was alive she didn’t make a fuckin’ peep about how awful he was treated

the white powder was actually plastic shavings from the stick rubbing up against its casing.

that’s right, fry, piggy. 

it sounds like they’re not happy about the split, like most marvel fans.

Fucking sick how people can gang up on a teenage girl for trying to stand for something she’s passionate about. 

neat. so I imagine that it’ll be at least 3 different games at $60 a pop. eff you squeenix.



And the guy who created GIFs wanted them to be pronounced JIFs.

Hillary has done some.... questionable things in the past and no i’m not talking about the killary nonsense. biden on the other hand is a creep and an idiot and might be the lesser of two evils between him and president wet dog smell but the writing’s on the wall with him.

this is a fear of mine, that we’re actually either going into a dictatorship with shitbag or we’re going to have to deal with dottering ‘uncle joe’ (barf)

*deep breath* Everyone’s special and unique in their own way, even if they’re really fucking wrong
