Christine Q.

And to the 6 people who agreed with pony boy... How bitter are you?

I don’t think bronies belong here.

We should just start calling fahe-taku

I hope the fucker goes broke by this.

I didn’t know league of legends players could even get girlfriends. But then again, he doesn’t look neck-beardy or asian enough to make it to finals so.... yeah. guess he’s teetering on the razor’s edge of being able to have a social life and having “glory” in a moba. Competitive pc gaming is a rich tapestry.

You do it here and I better get to be one of kiddy’s bridesmaids :I

I mean, it’s easily ignorable now that I’m not around a bunch of teenagers these days (I was living in a house with my 15 year old nephew at the time) so it won’t bother me too much if it does happen again

they were involved, which started the whole competition. they’re at fault too. Deal with it.

Look, it was oversaturation, and that was partially RB’s fault too. It was getting nuts on both ends, granted RB was the lesser of those evils, but yeah. It’s nice they kept old guitar BC but... yeah, I don’t see this ending but with another crash or quietly dying in the corner.

I saw the $249 price tag and started laughing. I wonder if history will repeat itself 5 short years later and we’ll be back to gamestop being plastic guitar graveyards, or the people (remember, guitar hero’s back too... ugh.) will remember how tired they got of music games and just not buy these. Either way, I imagine

Working on some TAY Halloween stupidity involving a costume contest with a twist

I mean, these are the 3 piece licensed min fig sets, I maaaybe would’ve picked up a doctor who set for like 10 bucks, but 30 is pretty outrageous. Then again, I’m not crazy about Legos anyway so yeah.

You saw them for 16? I just saw them on amazon for 30.

I’m betting half-life 3 comes out before this does.

Then don’t buy them :I seriously how hard is it to vote with your dollar? I hear constant complaining about game buyers not getting what they wanted by playing the pack lottery when it’s just a matter of buying singles or just not playing.

Can we just agree to take CoD behind the shed and shoot it already?

J ohnny Depp may deny that he had Michael Jackson in mind when he created the look and feel of Willy Wonka, but moviegoers trust their eyes, and when they see Willy opening the doors of the factory to welcome the five little winners, they will be relieved that the kids brought along adult guardians. Depp’s Wonka—his

Wow. You’re pretty terrible o.o;

Because that’s how gay sex works. Jeez, you’ve got all the subtlety and nuances of a runaway freight train on fire.

400 noes and a yes means yes.