Christine Q.

Well, more power to you.

...Uh... Forgive me if i’m wrong, but... who asked for this? I don’t remember ZombiU being that great.

It’s an Ubisoft game. If anything, it’ll have more game-ending bugs.

uhhh... huh. well, that’s much, much worse. so... yeah. willing suspension of disbelief.

:I That’s almost like telling pewdiepie to stop and get a real job. Almost.

willing suspension of disbelief made you believe he survived molten metal being injected into his body and it bonding to his bones cleanly. This isn’t that much further of a stretch.

I saw the preview, was like ...Kay. It made more money than a fucking mint does and still I went ...Kay. I saw all the memes, all the raves and I just couldn’t bring myself to even give a peanut-sized shit. I got dragged to 3 out of 4 jurassic parks and i don’t care. fuck dinosaurs.

:sigh: And the walking around. the deer. Just like the sonic demo. blah.

What you don’t realize is that FNAF 5 is coming in august, and FNAF 6 is coming on the original oct release date of FNAF 4. next year we’re going to be on FNAF 127: revenge of the haunted pizza crusts.

So, after everybody went nuts about some wwe guest star wearing a dbz shirt, they’re more or less just going to start aping dbz now? That’s cool. :/

See, Kanye west has multiple personalities. They’re all kanye west, and they are in love with each other.

I can understand the frustration of system incompetence, being burned by that myself. But he’s gotta understand, you just can’t.... start making threatening remarks on the internet about it. It’s not the wild west with full anonymity anymore. I mean, even if he wasn’t serious or just blowing off steam and whatnot, he

I mean, I agree that it’s stupid, but in terms of business, it just looks bad. Working with the public myself for many years, I’ve constantly been told to keep my mouth shut. No matter what, and i’ve seen some shitty people in my day.

Except... y’know... deserving one. The guy made a threatening remark on social media. Lizard squad is a bunch of assholes, just like many other hacker groups, but you just don’t say shit like that in public no less without paying the price.


what? 53? D:

I remember watching it, and being scared shitless. I was 8 at the time.