
We like to include the little people in what we do.

Please stop. More funding and support is an incredible thing to happen to a company like this. They now have the power to make VR truly take off. A better product at a mostly likely cheaper price point sounds fantastic to me.

Where's Notch to bitch about this guy being a sellout? I await the article.

Feels kinda like Carmack left Bethesda and now he's getting the old band back together.

Sounds like you haven't played Liberation. Or Black Flag's Aveline content for that matter. Which shows you don't care about playing as a female as much as you would like us to believe.

"Imagine a Female assassin in a era where women have very few rights. It would make an interesting game." lol

How sexist of you. :)

No Pirate, no buy.

If that's your only reason, that's pretty sad.

Mhe, no woman, no cry.

Surprised this article isn't a giant diatribe about how this is clearly sexism in the industry, written by Patricia. Especially because we have no context for this scene, so can't make any judgments about it.

That's my kind of violence

This is probably the only sex gif I will ever post, because for some reason I feel like it’s more than just sex. I don’t know if it’s how they’re actually looking at one another or the way they can’t get close enough. He’s actually looking at her like a person and not just a sex object.

Grind isn't really how I'd describe Dark Souls. Keep in mind this is coming from a guy who has above average reflexes and is of above average intelligence, but I've found that as long as I actually pay attention during the game and keep my wits about me even while fighting the "weak" enemies I am able to progress

You should give it a go if you get a chance. I got Demon's Souls for Christmas the year it came out and it sat on my shelf for a couple of months because I had similar reservations. But I finally gave it a chance in the usual post-Christmas lull. By the end of the first area I was in love with the game. As with any

I'd say both sides have their fair share of retards.

I don't see them "exploiting" anyone though. They don't always deliver the best products... but you don't go to McDonald's and expect a steak.

I mean, I don't own very many EA products... but I've never once felt ripped off.

Cool commentary now read the article I guess