
Doing the sick of the *social justice* in kotaku. but im curious about a fact.. does anyone know a game the feminists have being happy with..that had strong sales? im seriously curious. and dont even mention the last tomb raider..cause they were complaining about the *intention of rape* at the start of the

Yes but usually internally between studios they know very well the release dates of the competition before the public. And yes while they might be having a bit of problems with glitches those were old builds.. and 2 weeks its not going to make a big diference. i just checked the schedule for october..and a lot

I wonder...what are they running away from??? GTA V? it seems almost comfirmed that gta v for ps4/xbones its coming in nov any interesting game coming in october?

Its ok ..just do as many men do. let them bitch about everything.. ignore it and forget it. Nobody gives a shit as allways.

agree completly. plz dont play dumb its just bad.

enjoyed the cinematic...a lot.

They should have leaked the warcraft teaser instead of this POS

good.. the schedule clears for shadow of mordor..

this is why its allways good to have a lover. So you dont have to need her to be in the *mood*. go out i can assure you that you will find much better fucks out there.

fuck it trading my SC (star citizen avenger pledge ) account with alpha and beta access for this game...any interested plz reply.

im just wondering..who the fuck is him?

Shadow of mordor cant come soon enough...and maybe AC unity...the rest i personally dont care. at all.

yes we do...

i agree with you.. i regret it deeply having bougth dayz and Star citizen..jesus fuck never again.

plz plz tell me they will fix it for ps4 or pc version...

i never said the romans conquered the uk. the romans most of their slaves where white.

shadow of mordor will be a day 1 for me for sure.... together with witcher 3

oh god...the nightmares are back....

well true. i have absolutly no issue with it .i dont give a fuck if its white. black, asian or whatever. i find that ..*x must be represented* as total BS. i was just pointing that out xD . i say it now i did before.....this days to be white and straight its a fucking sin for the media....