You can delete comments off a facebook post. Unless they're such an angsty teenager they actually take the bait, but in that case anything works.
You can delete comments off a facebook post. Unless they're such an angsty teenager they actually take the bait, but in that case anything works.
Is this 2008 or something? I've been seeing lots of articles about stuff older then Justin Bieber.
What's the name of the app? I recently got a Weeds addiction.
I thought this was an article about a new type of drug which college students can use to study for last night cramming sessions.
It wasn't the comments/etc I cared about. It was the chat notifications.
Another nice trick is to set the exit task to
Ah, that's why I never received Facebook notifications. I thought my phone was being retarded.
Did Gizmodo kill the article "Android is now the king of US smartphones"? It showed up in my RSS reader, never loaded an article, and google shows Gizmodo as the original writer.
I wish the picture were like 2 times large. It's hard to read from a normal computer distance.
They say the battery life would be abyssmal, but the DroidX/2 have been overclocked to 2.5Ghz. Any word what the NGP will be clocked to?
I believe you can use the program Doubletwist to manage iDevices. I use it for my Droid 2. It's much less of a memory/etc hog then iTunes.
The Droid 2 uses magnetic readings to put it into desk mode/car mode. Not sure about other Android Devices. It's not a new concept in any way.
Yea, we got my mom a Nook Color for christmas. She loves it, especially since she can carry around a 500 page book and not look like a weirdo.
Thank you for appreciating the amazingness that is buffalo sauce. Too many people put sugary ketchup gunk on their food. I'm a man who likes my food like my women. Dripping red, spicy liquids.
And this is not one of them.
How would you get caught? They just want you to be 18 so you're built up teenage angst doesn't skew their results.
@Chris Reeve: I tried this on my Droid 2, doesn't seem to work. Searching google for your thing doesn't find anything relevant..?
But what will they use during takeoff and landing?!!?! The plane will CRASH, I sweaaaaar.
That's their regular one. I want one which you can squeeze.