@Mr_Quackers: Yep! [userscripts.org]
@Mr_Quackers: Yep! [userscripts.org]
I came here expecting a giant Subway sandwich with too much salt.
Diet Coke is better for propulsion, so no sugar is lost.
If you buy your screen protector in a brick and mortar store when they're not too busy, they'll usually do it for you if you ask nicely.
How do you heart someone on the new layout?
Any idea what the "toggle star" button does which appears next to peoples icon when you're viewing the replies? #whitenoise
closed turned home office.
Tuscon-area man
I was a mix between the Overuser and the Hacker, until I sold my iDevice and switched to Android.
@Zinger314: ..unless it get attacked, or you use the flip attack next turn?
@Whitson Gordon: In that case, I might try this. I seldom use the Start Menu, maybe this will get me to start using it.
Instead of find pliers, turn the soda tab so it is over the mouthhole, then slowly push it down into the mouthhole. It should come off perfectly without needing to find pliers.
Seems like it would be easier to do alt-tab to a browser window and start typing, instead of doing the Windows button, then mousing over to the search bar.
@Quotidian_Hr: They did it the old fashioned way. It even had voice commands.
@Sharkfan1781110: Yep.
@Ryan Mottau: Could you use a fridge magnet so the whole thing had a light magnetization?
I'm just gonna give a shout out to GReader Pro for android..I tried out Pulse, it didn't have notifications, and I couldn't get much info at once, and Google Reader doesn't have notifications. GReader Pro has served me well for the last week or so.
Any way to put a magnet in the right spot so it triggers the Android cardock mode or whatever?
@demarcmj: If you ever find a need to use Chrome at work, try using a portable version of google chrome.