
that's so ridiculous! btw isn't the playbook out today? Isn't Gizmodo going to cover the launch like they would for the ipad?

oh so it's kind of like Gizmodo and the stupid "Sponsored Stories" and the annoying Ads at the top of the page that get bigger and take over half the screen. Hate those.

I'm definitely donating to this kid! Well done college boy!

XDA FOR LIFE!!!!!!! My HTC HD2 has found an absolutely brand new lease on life(every few months) I'm running 2.3.3 nand and it's absolutely amazing.

Sweden also has a much smaller population than the United States.

I enjoy seeing the giants struggle while their vice grip on controlling content slowly slips away from them. The Internet is a beautiful thing. Sure netflix and hulu are becoming their own "giants" but the old dog giants are seriously losing this battle and will be until they evolve or die.

I like how out of touch these movie executives are. Who in their right mind would EVER pay that much for a movie? On dishnetwork you can rent a new release for $6 and have it for 24 or 48 hours. lol $30 is so ridiculous! I love it.

That's funny I just found a miniature unicorn in my Full Throttle.

Let's kill her for killing her daughter. Yeah that solves the problem. Oh wait she already killed her daughter, aren't we a little late? haha. Maybe people shouldn't have children. Better yet, let's screen people and then decide whether or not they can have kids. Redneck morons can have 10+ kids while wonderful

hahaha I love it

My friend's sister was on a clover leaf in a 1990 Plymouth Acclaim and there was a spider on the dash. She freaked out and swerved hitting the dirt and rolling the car onto its roof. She was uninjured. But how silly indeed.

funny I just watched this movie yesterday!

I'm not completely in agreeance with you. While it is sad that animals are killed by human hands every day, nature itself is brutal and unforgiving as well. Do you see tigers protesting other tigers who are killing zebras or hyenas or each other? No because nature, which humans are a part of, is a cruel and

You can try rolling it back with a restore? Or just put your computer to sleep for good :P jk

it's okay when you want to leave the bed of someone you just had sex with

The problem is the earth isn't going to end for billions of years when the sun goes supernova, but humanity is much more fragile then we realize and WE won't be around as long as we think we will. Watching Life in the Undergrowth Attenborough pointed out that if one species of insect were to disappear in a day, the

wait until cops put undercover facebook hookers on there... then you'll really be screwed(but not)